爱语导读:(布鲁塞尔)英国首相大卫卡梅伦说,他对欧盟会同意他明年计划进行的改革感到非常自信。这预示着他也许会在2017年任满之际发起一次全民公投,决定英国在欧盟的去留。 BRUSSELS (AP) — British Prime Minister David Cameron says he’s confident...[详细]
1.Ask open ended questions. 1.多问开放式的问题。 It is difficult to connect with someone if you ask them questions that can be answered in two words. There is no chance for a connection to develop. Instead of asking, “Where do you live?”...[详细]
Ⅰ. 英语八种时态归纳复习 时态是英语学习中一个至关重要的内容,广大英语学习者在实际运用时,往往对时态总是倍感棘手,下面我们就归纳复习一下這几种时态。 1 一般现在时: 概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。 时间状语: always, usuall...[详细]
爱语导读:中国律师浦志强因煽动民族仇恨、寻衅滋事等罪行,被判处缓刑3年,新华社通过微博报道,浦志强已经认罪、道歉并接受审判 A Beijing court has convicted a prominent Chinese lawyer for online comments, giving him a suspended jail sentence, st...[详细]
爱语导读:截至2015年12月底,中国所有的金融机构都被要求与最高人民法院(SPC)建立网络对接。 All financial institutions in China are required to have their inner network connected with the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) by the end of December....[详细]
爱语导读:星期一,最新数据显示,英国家庭教育的儿童数量在近6年内增加了65%。 The number of children being home educated recorded in Britain has increased by 65 percent over the six years, latest figure showed Monday. 星期一,最新数据显示,英...[详细]
爱语导读:你如何描述一个超级模特?像“高”、“瘦”或“苗条”这样的形容词可能会很自然的浮现在大多数人的脑海中。 How would you describe a super model? Adjectives such as tall, slim or thin may naturally come to most people’s mind. Yet this m...[详细]
爱语导读:北京周六启动第二次红色预警之后采取了更及时的措施,有效缓解了污染。 Beijing’s environmental authority says it has taken more timely measures to deal with hazardous smog under the city’s second red alert, toward which the public h...[详细]
爱语导读:阿富汗战略重镇桑金的警察总部在遭塔列班攻击后,仍处于被围攻的状态。但是,到底哪方控制了偏远的赫尔曼德省,各方报道不尽相同。 The police HQ in the strategic Afghan town of Sangin remains under siege after a Taliban attack, officials...[详细]
爱语导读:冬至意味着北半球这一天白天最短,夜晚最长,而从这天之后,白天将逐渐变长,夜晚渐短。除此之外,冬至到来也标志着一年中最寒冷的时候要来到了。小编带你盘点关于冬至你不得不知道的八件事。 On the first day of Winter Solstice, the Northern H...[详细]
爱语导读:中国首富中王健林以8000万英镑(约合7.7亿元人民币)的价格买下了伦敦一座豪宅。 China’s richest man has forked out a whopping ?80million Grade II-listed home on London’s most desirable street. 中国首富中王健林以8000万英镑(约合7.7亿...[详细]
爱语导读:她用一双艺术的眼睛,展现了另一个维度的中国印象,用一幅幅作品呈现给世界一个不一样的中国——复古和现代元素的完美融合,周迅、章子怡、范冰冰、舒淇都曾出现在她的作品中。 As China becomes increasingly important in the world of fashion,...[详细]
爱语导读:上周三(12月16日),一名伊拉克雅兹迪族少女现身联合国安理会作证,痛述“伊斯兰国”将其掳作性奴,遭大批武装分子轮奸折磨长达三月之久,她含泪恳请国际社会将IS彻底铲除。 A young Yazidi woman pleaded on Wednesday (December 16) for the Uni...[详细]
1) Two out of three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70 (1)在70岁的时候会有三分之二的澳大利亚人会得皮肤癌 The Cancer Council of Australia says that, over past decades, the incidence of skin cancer has ris...[详细]
曾经遇到过新邻居对你说“你得过来吃个晚饭”,可几个礼拜后邀请迟迟不来? 或者是激动地听到上司说他会记住你“非常有趣”的想法,却惊讶他再也没提过这件事? 那你就是拥有独特特征的英式英语的受害者了,英式英语对于表达真实所想来说太过拘谨、礼貌了。其...[详细]
欣然接受型: Thank you, that's very kind of you to say so! 谢谢您!谢谢您能这么说。 I'm glad I could do this. 很开心我能做到。 I really appreciate you noticing that. No one ever has before. 感谢您看到了这一点。之前没有人注意过我。 谦虚谨慎...[详细]
爱语导读:中国已经跃居世界第二大强国的地位,俄罗斯的内部经济问题也已显现,其世界大国地位面临多重挑战,在今天,它还是世界强国吗? Whether Russia, one of 15 successor states to the USSR, which broke up in 1991, is still a genuine world power...[详细]
爱语导读:世界中国烹饪联合会,中国餐饮业的一个贸易组织,现已正式更名为“世界中餐业联合会”,以着重强调推动中餐走向世界。 The World Association of Chinese Cuisine, a trade organization for China’s catering industry, has changed its name to...[详细]
爱语导读:(斯德哥尔摩)周五,苏黎世市在发现难民营有火灾隐患之后,声明不会再使用这些单元房。本周六,宜家基金会坚称其难民营很安全。 Stockholm (AFP) - The Ikea Foundation on Saturday insisted that its refugee shelters are safe, a day after th...[详细]
爱语导读:想象一下这段轻松美妙的旅程,你可以在方向盘后一路睡到目的地,因为你的自动驾驶汽车能和其它车辆“交谈”,以保持安全距离。 Imagine a journey in which you can travel to destinations while asleep behind the steering wheel because your s...[详细]