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爱语导读:“外面的一些人觉得我们不热爱生活”,伊拉克选美比赛组织者Humam al-Obeidi表示,随着人群涌出举办选美比赛的酒店。 Some people out there think we don’t love life, said Humam al-Obeidi, one of the organisers, as the crowd spilled out o...[详细]

苹果17日宣布高层人事变动计划,库克提拔 Jeff Williams 为首席运营官,该职位自库克升任CEO后一直处于空缺状态,空缺4年多的职位终于要有人盯上了,库克真的要立储君了吗? Apple's next boss revealed? Tim Cook promotes Jeff Williams to chief operatin...[详细]

网络这么发达,还有人看电视么,当然有!尽管近年来网络视频异军突起,Netflix、Hulu等流媒体服务备受欢迎,但是爱看电视的人还是比较多哦。 Despite the popularity of Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services in the United States, Americans spend...[详细]

爱语导读:这才是运动精神!自行车手在临近终点时自行车爆胎,而紧随其后的对手却拒绝超越。 What a sport! Incredible moment a cyclist REFUSES to overtake his rival after the athlete suffers a puncture near finish line. 这才是运动精神!自行车手在...[详细]

爱语导读:美国接受了国际货币基金组织的改革措施,中国的投票权将由3.8%增长至6%,同时人民币也将作为储备货币,美国为其正在减少的影响力而担忧。 The US Senate has adopted long-awaited reforms to give emerging economies a greater say in how the In...[详细]

12月20日11时40分,深圳市光明新区凤凰社区恒泰裕工业集团后侧发生一起山体滑坡事故,导致工业园区多幢厂房侧塌,多人被困。 ================================= 想学接地气的实用英语表达?想看最新环球热点资讯?想听最原汁原味的英(美)音? 关注微信订...[详细]

1. He caters to you. 1、他宠爱你。 He makes sure you're happy day in and day out. He listens to your crazy work stories; he rubs your neck when it's sore; he cooks you dinner on the nights you're feeling sleepy. Caring for you is one of hi...[详细]

爱语导读:(柏林)德国难民协调人员在接受德国杂志《Focus》采访时透露,德国和奥地利正着手于一项共同欧洲难民法的提案。 BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany and Austria are working on a proposal for a common European asylum law, Germany’s refugee crisis...[详细]

爱语导读:电影《鬼吹灯之寻龙诀》是一部华语奇幻冒险动作大片,截至12月20日下午6点,仅上映两天,在中国内地电影票房已达7亿元(1.08亿美元) After only two full days in cinemas, Chinese fantasy-action film Mojin - The Lost Legend earned 700 milli...[详细]

爱语导读:周一,人口与计划生育法修正案草案的议案已提交中国最高立法机关审议,根据修正草案,国家提倡一对夫妻生育两个子女。 All couples in China are encouraged to have two children, according to a draft amendment to China’s national law on po...[详细]

爱语导读:一家加拿大公司销售滑雪场的空气,这一行为受到了中国消费者的大力欢迎。 (CNN)Is imported air the solution to China’s smog problem? (CNN) 进口空气是中国解决雾霾问题的方法吗? A Canadian company selling air bottled in a ski resort say...[详细]

爱语导读:这套价值850万美元,名为阿斯托拉拖玩偶城堡无疑是世界上最贵的。 Priced at an eye-watering $8.5 million, the Astolat Dollhouse Castle is easily the most expensive dollhouse in the world. The 800 pound, 9 foot tall museum-quality mini...[详细]

爱语导读:(韩国首尔)本周六,上千名韩国民众在首尔举行游行示威活动。示威者们吹喇叭、摇手鼓以示抗议。此次游行是为了反对逮捕工会领袖。该人士因为之前反政府游行中出现的暴力行为而受到鲜有的妨害治安罪指控。 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Blowing horn...[详细]

1,clock in 打卡 Don't forget to clock in 1,clock in 打卡 Don't forget to clock in ,or you won't get paid 不要忘记打卡哦,否则你就不能得到报酬哦! 2,lemon次 Your car is a real lemon 你的车很次哦 Your bag is a real lemon 你的包很次哦 3,...[详细]

1,颜值 Face score 俗话说,这是最好的时代,因为要看脸;这是最坏的时代,因为要看脸!颜控(face obsessed)和外貌党们(face-judgers)很赞同这个说法滴。一起来花痴下老干部小鲜肉们的盛世美颜! 2,吓死宝宝了 It scares me to death. 当然,“吓死宝宝了(It...[详细]

/t/读成/d/ Talk to me please. Oh my God, you are so tall. It is very difficult to talk to them. /p/读成/b/ Hello my name is Paul. Chinese people are very nice. I feel very happy today. /k/读成/g/ I love little car. Will you call me tomorro...[详细]



One of life's greatest lessons is learning the art of “self-love”. Today's assignment? Not saying sorry for being you. 生活中伟大的一课就是学会“爱自己”这门艺术。今天的作业呢?不因自己说“抱歉”。 Artist Yao Xiao offers a little reminde...[详细]

爱语导读:刘跃进,中国打击非法贩毒交易的关键人物,现被任命为反恐第一专员。这一消息于星期日宣布。 Liu Yuejin, a key figure in China’s crackdown on illegal narcotics, has been appointed as the first commissioner of counterterrorism, it was a...[详细]

1. Let's go to karaoke. 我们去唱K吧。 2. Are you good at singing? 你唱歌拿手吗? 3. I'd like to request a song. 我想点首歌。 4. You sing first.(Go ahead. After you. ) 你先唱。 5. How about a song, John? 约翰,你来唱一首吧。 6. What are you...[详细]

整理推荐前五名的好书,值得你读了再读的好书如下: 《论语》 推荐指数:★★★★★ 《乔布斯传》 推荐指数:★★★★ 《罗马人的故事》 推荐指数:★★★ 《三体》 推荐指数:★★★ 《激荡三十年》 推荐指数:★★★ 推荐:《对话》十五年最关注的五本书籍...[详细]

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