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[摘要]爱语导读:上周三(12月16日),一名伊拉克雅兹迪族少女现身联合国安理会作证,痛述“伊斯兰国”将其掳作性奴,遭大批武装分子轮奸折磨长达三月之久,她含泪恳请国际社会将IS彻底铲除。 A young Yazidi woman pleaded on Wednesday (December 16) for the Uni...


  A young Yazidi woman pleaded on Wednesday (December 16) for the United Nations Security Council to wipe out Islamic State after describing the torture and rape she suffered at the hands of the militants, who abducted her as “war booty” and held her for three months.


  Nadia Murad Basee Taha was only 20 years old when she was abducted by the IS and a year later, she has been left wounded but bravely pleading for an answer that will stop such atrocities happening to others.


  Last August, the young girl’s life changed for the worse when she was abducted in August last year from her village in Iraq and taken by bus to a building in the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul, where thousands of Yazidi women and children were exchanged by militants as gifts.


  Taha, said several of her brothers were killed by Islamic State militants, but eventually escaped and is now living Germany. The United Nations has said that Islamic State may have committed genocide in trying to wipe out the Yazidi minority and has urged the U.N. Security Council to refer the issue to the International Criminal Court for prosecution.


  In her speech Nadia Murad Basee Taha stated that “We, the women and children were brought by bus to another region. Along the way, they humiliated us. They touched us and violated us. They took us to Mosul with more than 150 other Yazidi families. In a building, there were thousands of Yazidi families and children who were exchanged as gifts. One of these people came up to me. He wanted to take me. I looked down at the floor. I was absolutely petrified. When I looked up, I saw a huge man. He looked like a monster.

  在 证词中,纳迪亚说道,“在前往另一处的大巴上,有很多妇女和儿童,在路上他们就侵犯我们。我们和另外150户雅兹迪家庭一起被带到摩苏尔,在那里有数千名 雅兹迪妇女儿童,被武装分子当作礼物交换。其中一名武装分子上来把我带走,我已经吓呆了一直低头看地上,当我抬起头,看到一个大个头男的,他看起来就像一 头怪物。”

  She further added, trying to hold back tears and keep her nerve “I cried. I cried out, I said ‘I’m too young and you’re huge.’ He hit me. He kicked me and beat me. And a few minutes later, another man came up to me. I still was looking at the floor. I saw that he was a little bit smaller. I begged him. I implored him for him to take me. I was incredibly scared of the first man. The man who took me asked me to change religion. I refused.”

  她忍住眼泪、保持镇定继续说道,“我一直哭, 一直哭,我和他说我还很小,你太大了。接着我遭到毒打,他对我拳打脚踢。几分钟后,另一个男人上来对我施暴,我一直看着地上,他比第一个男的个子小点,我 实在怕那个男的,所以我只能乞求他带我走。带我走的那个男的又要求我改变宗教信仰,但我拒绝了。

  Struggling to relive the experience she recalled the situation of the women around her, noting that “I said that I was ill because most women were menstruating because they were scared. A few days later, he forced me to get dressed and put makeup on and then that terrible night, he did it. He humiliated me every day. He forced me to wear clothes that didn’t cover my body. I was tortured. I tried to flee but one of the guards stopped me. That night, he beat me. He asked me to take my clothes off. He put me in a room with the guards, then they proceeded to commit their crime until I fainted. ”

  纳迪亚挣扎 着回忆那段经历,回忆周围妇女的境况,说道,“我说我病了,因为我们太害怕都在月经期。几天后,他强迫我换好衣服化妆,就在那个可怕的晚上,他强暴了我。 以后他每晚都凌辱折磨我,他逼我穿暴露的衣服。我曾尝试逃离魔掌,可都被看门的拦回来,有一晚我又被殴打,他让我脱了衣服,把我推进全是看门的房间,这些 人轮流强奸我,直到我昏过去。”

  She finally expressed bravely ending her story “Three months after my abduction, I was finally able to escape. I’m currently living in Germany.”


  Islamic State militants consider the Yazidis to be devil-worshipers. The Yazidi faith has elements of Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Islam. Most of the Yazidi population, numbering around half a million, remains displaced in camps inside the autonomous entity in Iraq’s north known as Kurdistan.


  In 2014 ISIL gained prominence when it drove the Iraqi government forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive followed by the capture of Mosul and the Sinjar massacre.


  The genocidal persecution of the Yazidi people of Iraq, leading to their exile, the abduction of Yazidi women, and massacres of at least 5,000 Yazidi civilians, during what has been called a “forced conversion campaign”being carried out in Northern Iraq by the militant organization showcased the violence and the impact that can be caused by them.

  伊拉克雅兹迪族惨遭灭族迫害,雅兹迪人流亡、妇女被掳走,在伊拉克北部所谓的“强制转换运动”中, 武装组织为展示他们的暴力以及他们能引起的影响,屠杀了至少5000 名雅兹迪平民。

  来源:The Guardian



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