爱语导读:无论你是围炉小酌一杯浓郁的蛋奶酒,还是在办公室举办的圣诞联欢上细品普西哥,抑或在节后的第一个工作日畅饮一壶温热的威士忌,没有酒怎么叫过圣诞呢? Whether you’re sipping rich eggnog by the fire, enjoying crisp Prosecco at the office...[详细]
料理美国可能比不上别的国家人民,但食品零售业上来说,美国的圣诞宴会食品是绝对不逊色的!一到圣诞,电视广告轮番轰炸各大超市连锁的食品广告,制作精良,气氛温馨,照片拍的精美绝伦! 这是作为“美食文化”著称的中国人民在广告上都看不到的。大家来饱饱...[详细]
虽然现在美国很多地方关于假期的讨论中,大多都是关于各种娱乐手段正在让人们忽略教堂,但是你还是不得不承认,对很多人来说,圣诞节都是一年中最重要的日子之一。 皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)21日发表了一篇文章,总结了近几年来就圣诞节所做的调...[详细]
向往西方上层阶级的高贵,羡慕西方社交礼仪优雅,但成为人见人爱的社交达人可是有诸多禁忌需要注意的哦!有些话是打死也不能说出口的,比如以下这些: ================================= 想学接地气的实用英语表达?想看最新环球热点资讯?想听最原汁原味的...[详细]
日前,由性学家方刚领衔的学者团队公布了今年的 “年度十大性与性别事件”(The annual top 10 incidents of sex and gender) 。 这一活动始于2008年,由十名来自全国的中青年性与性别研究领域的学者(experts on sexology and gender studies)和社会活动...[详细]
爱语导读:根据中国人民银行的一个研究报告,尽管由产能过剩、利润减速和非盈利贷款增加等因素造成的经济增长的下行压力仍将持续,但一系列的积极因素在2016年将逐步显现。 A number of positive factors will gradually gain traction in 2016, although dow...[详细]
爱语导读:一个男子万里寻爱,从印度骑车到瑞典见妻子的故事在网上吸引了无数关注。 A story of a man who made the ultimate journey of love, cycling from India to Sweden to see his sweetheart, has captured the hearts of thousands online. A Facebo...[详细]
爱语导读:目前中国财政部正在研究个人所得税改革,而一项网上调查显示,70%的受访者认为税负“略高”。 As the Chinese Ministry of Finance studies a proposed reform of personal income tax, an online poll has shown that 70 percent of respondents c...[详细]
爱语导读:美军两架B-52轰炸机于周六飞进了中国在南海的华阳礁上空,中方发表声明称这是一个严重的军事挑衅,美方回应称此举并非有意。 U.S. officials said Saturday its two B-52 bombers didn’t intend to fly over China’s artificial island in the So...[详细]
爱语导读:国家层面应该颁布执行细则以及具法律约束力的相关措施,以确保该政策的贯彻实施和合理执行。 There will no longer be any legal obstacle to the implementation of a universal two-child policy, if the draft amendment to the family planning...[详细]
周三,潮言潮语 video call视频电话 I want to have a video call with my girlfriend 我想要和我的女朋友进行视频电话。 lights out 熄灯 The dormitory has been lights out 宿舍已经熄灯了。 light sth up for sb 为某人照亮 I can light my cell phone u...[详细]
爱语导读:星期一,据中国共产党反腐部门透露,中国南方福建省的某副市长因违规打高尔夫球被撤职。 A deputy mayor in south China’s Fujian Province has been removed from his post for playing golf, the anti-graft authority of the Communist Party o...[详细]
爱语导读:据媒体报道,被困废墟中超过60个小时后,中国深圳滑坡事件的首名幸存者被救出。 该部门称,“由于堆土过多、堆积坡度过陡,导致失稳垮塌。” Local resident Yi Jimin agreed the disaster was not an act of nature.Heavy rains and a collapse of...[详细]
爱语导读:东阿阿胶有限公司已同意注资入股山东驴帮餐饮管理有限公司,打造驴帮驴肉火锅和驴肉包系列品牌。 Traditional Chinese medicine costs rise sharply as donkey herds dwindle, says top company official. 东阿公司的高层官员说,驴群日渐减少,传统...[详细]
千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。 from hill to hill no bird in flight from path to path no man in sight Alonely fisherman afloat Is fishing snow in lonely boat. 学更多地道英语关注实战英语口语交流 微信订阅号:practiceEngli...[详细]
1、Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year! 致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,圣诞快乐,新年快乐。 2、Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings. 祝你享尽圣诞佳节的快乐和圣诞的礼品。 3、A cheery Christm...[详细]
1. This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream。 此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。 2. I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body...[详细]
1. Go ahead! 想要征得别人同意,听到的答复是“Go ahead.” 你会不会有点儿晕?这是要让咱“向前进”么?当然不是啦!这个短句其实就想告诉你“没问题!” 例如: -May I ask a question, sir? (老师,我可以问一个问题吗?) -Sure, go ahead. (当然可以了。) 2....[详细]
爱语导读:反家暴法草案目前已经二审,精神伤害列入其中,同居也将适用该法 BEIJING, Dec. 21 -- China’s first domestic violence law may include emotional or psychological abuse and cover cohabitation in order to protect traditionally silent abu...[详细]
爱语导读:上周六(12月19日晚),南大版“非诚勿扰”在南京大学火热举行. A prestigious university in east China has held a dating show to test students taking the school’s course on love and relationships, as most of its graduate students hav...[详细]