发布时间:2016-03-19 11:36 我来说说 我要投稿
U.S. officials said Saturday its two B-52 bombers didn’t intend to fly over China’s artificial island in the South China Sea, after Beijing scolded Washington and accused them of a “serious military provocation” in the disputed waters.
China’s Defense Ministry said earlier the U.S. was deliberately raising tensions in the region, where China has been aggressively asserting its claims to most of the man-made reefs in the sea. It reiterated that it would do whatever is necessary to protect China’s sovereignty.
Mark Wright, a Pentagon spokesman, said that there was “no intention of flying within 12 nautical miles of any feature.” A senior U.S. defense official told The Wall Street Journal that bad weather may have contributed to the pilot flying off course and into the area where China claims.
五角大楼发言人马克-赖特强调“B-52并没有飞近12海里的意图”。一名高级美国国防部官员称可能是由于恶劣天气导致 B-52偏离航向,进入中国领土。
The U.S. uses pre-planned freedom of navigation operations to assert its rights to "innocent passage" in other country’s territorial waters. "The United States routinely conducts B-52 training missions throughout the region, including over the South China Sea," Wright told the Associated Press. "These missions are designed to maintain readiness and demonstrate our commitment to fly, sail and operate anywhere allowed under international law."
China’s Defense Ministry demanded that Washington immediately take action to prevent such incidents and damage to relations between the two nations’ militaries. The actions by the U.S. side constitute a serious military provocation and are rendering more complex and even militarizing conditions in the South China Sea," the ministry said in a statement. The statement said that Chinese military personnel on the island issued warnings demanding the B-52 strategic bombers leave the area.
Speaking to reporters on a visit to Berlin, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi drew a contrast between the situation in the South China Sea region and the chaos and turmoil in other parts of the world. "The situation in the South China Sea is essentially stable overall," he said. Wang also said that while China understands the concerns of nations from outside the region, they should "do more to benefit peace and stability, and not manufacture tensions or even fan the flames."
来源:The Guardian
《美军罕见就B-52闯南海对华认错 中方不满(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/357536.html,谢谢合作!