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[国际] 苹果高层大换血?库克钦点继承人(双语)

[摘要]苹果17日宣布高层人事变动计划,库克提拔 Jeff Williams 为首席运营官,该职位自库克升任CEO后一直处于空缺状态,空缺4年多的职位终于要有人盯上了,库克真的要立储君了吗? Apple's next boss revealed? Tim Cook promotes Jeff Williams to chief operatin...


  苹果17日宣布高层人事变动计划,库克提拔 Jeff Williams 为首席运营官,该职位自库克升任CEO后一直处于空缺状态,空缺4年多的职位终于要有人盯上了,库克真的要立储君了吗?

  Apple's next boss revealed? Tim Cook promotes Jeff Williams to chief operating officer. Apple has juggled its executive team, naming its first chief operating officer since Tim Cook moved into the chief executive job some four years ago.

  Jeff Williams became Apple's chief operating officer, formalizing a role some contend he was already handling at the California-based technology colossus.


  Williams 在1998年加入苹果公司,之后在苹果的手机市场推广中发挥了不可或缺的作用,可以说是苹果公司的几大元老之一。 库克称赞Williams为“一生中所共事过的最棒的运营高管”,

  Williams joined the company in 1998 and 'played a key role in Apple's entry into the mobile phone market with the launch of the iPhone,' according to a release. 'Jeff is hands-down the best operations executive I've ever worked with,' Cook said.



  苹果公司宣布,全球产品市场营销高级副总裁Phil Schiller将接管苹果应用商店,在苹果总部举行的新品发布会上,总是能看到Phil Schiller的身影。

  Apple senior vice president of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller, a familiar face to any who have tuned into the company's product unveilings, will expand his role to include heading the online App Store, according to the company.


  自2010年起,Williams接管了苹果大宗供应链、海外营销,同时还负责苹果智能手表Apple Watch的全球发行及运营。库克将"后乔布斯时代"的第一款设备的生杀大权托付给他,Jeff Williams绝对算是库克的“心腹”。

  Since 2010, Williams duties have included overseeing Apple's supply chain along with service and support. He also regularly takes the take at Apple's keynote events.


  苹果公司其他的人事变动包括,主管芯片技术的Johny Srouji升任硬件技术高级副总,库克盛赞Johny的队伍及其团队在创新研制世界级芯片上卓有成就。

  The head of Apple's chip business, Johny Srouji, was named senior vice president for hardware technologies.

  'Johny's team delivers world-class silicon designs which enable new innovations in our products year after year,' Cook said.

  此外,苹果也聘请了资深广告业务负责人Tor Myhren担任品牌营销传播副总裁,负责苹果未来的广告、网站和产品包装相关事务。

  Cook also announced that Tor Myhren will join Apple early next year as vice president of marketing communications, reporting Cook.


  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播


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