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[策划] 不小心咽下口香糖 究竟多可怕?(双语)

[摘要]当你年幼无知时,有些人也许告诉过你,咽下去的口香糖会在体内存留7年。用孩子天真烂漫的逻辑来看这件事似乎讲得通。毕竟在嘴里都无法分解的食物,身体又如何能分解呢? When you were a kid, somebody probably told you if you swallowed your gum, it wou...



  When you were a kid, somebody probably told you if you swallowed your gum, it wouldn't come out for seven years. And in kid logic, it seems to make sense. Gum just doesn't want to break down in your mouth like regular food, so why would it break down in the body?



  This logic probably kept you from swallowing your gum, but would swallowing it really be such a bad thing? Is there some kind of magical time lock that won't allow gum to go anywhere for seven years? Does it just cling to the side of your stomach and slowly, millimeter by millimeter, get flushed out seven years later?



  Well, gum is certainly meant to be chewed and spit out, not swallowed. Accidents do happen sometimes, but you don't have to worry about blowing bubbles at both ends.



  Gum does pass through the G.I. tract, but just like the kid in you suspected, it doesn't work quite the same as actual food. After all, gum's made from butyl rubber, the same stuff that goes into tires and basketballs. What would you expect?



  If you do manage to gulp down a big wad of gum, don't panic. If it gets past your air pipe without causing difficulties – and really, any large chunk of food could cause problems, not just gum – that gum is going on the same journey every meal you've ever eaten has.



  In your stomach, the gum meets up with your digestive powerhouse: acid. Although it's mighty powerful acid, the rubber resists the acid's attempts to break it down. It's so un-reactive, your body might as well not even know it's there.



  As it happens, there are lots of things you would normally eat, like corn, that will make it through your stomach acid as well. Either way, the muscles in your G.I. tract take over and push everything along, whether your body has been able to extract nutrients from it or not. So gum effectively has no nutritional value whatsoever, but it goes out all the same in a matter of hours or days, not months or years.



  That said, there are good reasons not to swallow gum.

  There have been some cases – usually among kids – where swallowing ridiculous amounts of gum has caused some dangerous issues that required medical attention. Just imagine what a doctor would have to do for a wad of gum so large and sticky that you can't get it out.



  So, even though your gum won't sit in your gut for the better part of a decade, it's best to find a proper receptacle when you've chewed the flavor out.




  If you know someone who's always chewing gum, SHARE this with them!

  English Source: Diply

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播


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