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[策划] 什么?蚊子也挑食? (双语)

[摘要]你是不是觉得蚊子不咬别人专门咬你?难道蚊子挑食并且专爱你这一口?还真有一定的道理,蚊子确实挑食。所以不要听信什么吃香蕉能驱蚊这种谣言,压根没有任何依据。 Does it seem like mosquitoes search you out specifically, maniacally biting you just t...



  Does it seem like mosquitoes search you out specifically, maniacally biting you just to make you miserable? Basically, mosquitoes choose their prey (you) based on a whole bunch of factors.Many myths exist; for example, the idea that eating bananas can repel the bugs doesn't hold up.


  But scientific research has found evidence supporting several reasons why mosquitoes may seek you out, though these studies are often on different kinds of mosquitoes, so the actual things attracting them to you may vary depending on which species are nearby.



  1. 蚊子偏爱O型血,所以O型血的人通常比其他血型的人更招蚊子。

  People with type O blood tend to attract more mosquitoes than people with other blood types.


  2. 蚊子偏爱孕妇。携带疟疾病毒的蚊子咬孕妇的可能性比咬没有身孕的女性高出一倍。考虑到寨卡病毒会导致出生缺陷,让人堪忧啊。

  Malaria carrying mosquitoes were attracted to pregnant women twice as much as non-pregnant women in a study. In light of Zika's link to birth defects, this finding is particularly concerning.


  3. 蚊子偏爱喝酒者。相比没喝酒的人,喝酒会让你更招蚊子。

  In a small study, researchers found mosquitoes liked people who had drank a beer more than their sober counterparts.


  4. 蚊子偏爱特殊体味。有些人的身体会散发出对蚊子有吸引力的化合物,而其他一些人则会散发出让蚊子讨厌的化合物。研究人员还不清楚当中的原理,但是他们试图把这种化合物分离出来,用它们制作捕蚊器或天然的驱蚊水。

  Some people's bodies emit attractant compounds, while others emit repellent compounds. It's unclear why or how this works, though researchers have tried to isolate the chemicals to use them for mosquito traps or natural bug spray.


  5. 蚊子偏爱无菌者。研究发现,皮肤上存活细菌种类较多的人,对蚊子吸引力较小。

  People with a wider variety of bacteria living on their skin were less attractive to mosquitoes in a study.


  6. 蚊子喜欢胖子。蚊子一般更喜欢那些二氧化碳呼出更多的人,这些人一般多为胖子,当然前面提到的孕妇也具备这个特征。

  Mosquitoes tend to like people who emit more carbon dioxide when they breathe, which includes larger people and pregnant women.


  7. 蚊子喜欢出汗的人。锻炼会产生乳酸,而乳酸通过汗液释放出来时,对蚊子非常有吸引力。

  Working out can produce lactic acid, which can act as an attractant for mosquitoes when it's released in your sweat.



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