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[策划] 早餐吃什么?谷物燕麦好处多 (双语)

[摘要]如今,我们都知道燕麦是健康的食品,尤其适合当作早餐。但是,你可能不知道燕麦为什么对健康有益,以及应该选择什么样的燕麦食品。希望你在读完这篇文章之后可以生活得更健康。 Nowadays, we know that oats are a reliable part of a healthy, hearty meal,...



  Nowadays, we know that oats are a reliable part of a healthy, hearty meal, especially at breakfast. However, you may not know just what oatmeal can do for you and just as importantly, what kind of oatmeal to go with. Hopefully, you'll be well on your way to a healthy day after you read this.


  Traditional oatmeal can be a little plain, but it doesn't have to be. Adding cinnamon, ginger, pumpkin spice or walnuts will give it a little extra flavor without taking any of its magic away. In fact, the walnuts will even provide some helpful omega-3 fatty acids. From mixing it with milk to topping it with fruit, there are all sorts of different toppings you can try.


  If you're trying to avoid gluten, remember that oats don't have any. Make sure to check for certified gluten-free oats, though. Some growing and processing practices can add gluten, so you'll want to be sure.



  While we're at it, watch out for instant oatmeal. It's not inherently bad, but some brands contain as many as eight teaspoons of sugar per serving and tend to be high in sodium. Make sure to check the nutrition facts on the label before you open your wallet.



  There's some debate as to whether to go for rolled or steel-cut oats. It doesn't seem to matter health-wise which one your pick, so it's up to your personal taste. Steel-cut oats are known to have a "nuttier" taste and a mushy texture and also take longer to cook.



  So, what's really so healthy about oatmeal?


  For one thing, oatmeal is famously good at controlling LDL or "bad" cholesterol. Research shows eating oats regularly can reduce your LDL cholesterol levels by about seven percent. This is good news for your heart since keeping these levels down also helps curb your risk of heart disease.



  If you're trying to lose weight, oatmeal can help you stay on track. Oatmeal's full of fiber, which makes you feel full for longer so you don't get tempted by less healthy foods later in the day.



  Of course, fiber's also well-known for fighting constipation. But it can even help you control your blood sugar. So there are a lot of lovely things oatmeal can do for your health.


  English Source: Diply

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播


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