发布时间:2016-12-25 08:31 我来说说 我要投稿
A file photo shows a warped section of a railway after the quake in Tangshan, Hebei Province, in 1976. [File Photo: Xinhua]
A split photo shows the view in Tangshang in 1976 and 2016. The black and white section was taken on July 28, 1976 after the devastating earthquake leveled the city. The colored section of the photo was taken on July 9, 2016, from the same location. [Photo: Xinhua]
Local residents come to the Tangshan Earthquake Ruins Memorial Park to pay their respects to deceased family members and friends on July 28, 2016. [Photo:China Radio International/ Li Jin]
Today marks the 40th anniversary of the devastating earthquake in the industrial city of Tangshan in north China.
A file photo shows damaged buildings after the earthquake in Tangshan, Hebei Province, in 1976. [File Photo: Xinhua]
Known as the Great Tangshan earthquake, the tremors occurred at around 3 am on July 28th, 1976.
A woman bows in front of the memorial wall bearing names of victims of the 1976 earthquake in Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province on July 28, 2016. [Photo:China Radio International/ Li Jin]
The earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude on the Richter scale left 242,769 people dead and 164,851 critically injured. It was believed to be one of the deadliest natural disasters of the 20th century.
Doctors and soldiers were dispatched from all over the country to help the victims.
Supported by the rest of the country, people in the city showed their strength and determination in rebuilding their city.
5 years after the quake, the city was again home to over a million people. 10 years afther the quake, the rebuilding of Tangshan was basically complete. By 1996, Tangshan was listed as one of China's top 50 cities in terms of comprehensive strength. Forty years later, the city's population has increased to more than 7 million. Its per capita GDP was more than 10,000 US dollars last year, ranking 25th in the country.
Photo taken on July7, 2016 shows the scenery of eastern downtown Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province. [Photo: Xinhua]
Over the past four decades, the miraculous re-emergence of Tangshan as a vibrant city has been nothing short of exhilarating, earning Tangshan the name "the Brave City of China."
A file photo shows a night view of Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province. [File Photo: Xinhua]
In 1990, Tangshan was awarded the United Nations Habitat Scroll of Honor. Its municipal government was chosen by the U.N. as an "outstanding organization contributing to human residence" for its reconstruction efforts after the earthquake. Tangshanwas the first in China to receive this U.N. award.
The city also was recognized with the Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment in 2004.
A photo taken on April 12, 2016 shows the Modern Gardens of the Tangshan International Horticultural Exposition 2016 in Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province. [Photo: Xinhua]
The massive earthquake has left a legacy of gratitudeand benevolenceamong survivors, which has also been seeded among their offspring.
唐山大地震幸存者打出横幅“向全国人民问好,向解放军致敬”。 【中国国际广播电台/李晋】
现在请听英语环球记者Nillah Nyakoa带来一位昔日的地震幸存者、如今的优秀教师的真实故事。
"My name is Yu Suyun, I'm an English teacher at Number One High School."
Yu Suyun is a survivor of the Earthquake that hit and almost wiped out the entire city of Tangshan, just North of Beijing. This is her story that she lives every day; A story of her life before and after the devastating incident on the night of July 28th 1976 forty years ago.
Nillah: When you were a little girl, how was life like before the earthquake happened?
Sun: Tangshan was a heavy industrial city. With mining for steel, iron and ceramics, cement etc. It was a city that wasn't so big and people's lives were very simple, quiet and peaceful. The tallest building at that time was 8storeys high and most buildings were single storey. There were about 40families within our community and only about 10 had television sets which were black and white.
She proceeds to show me old and new photos of her family members.
On this fateful day, Yu Suyun goes on to remember how her life and that of her family, friends, neighbors and all the other city residents, was turned upside down. The entire city was in ruins.
Before the Earthquake, Suyun was just 14 years old and lived a happy simple life with her parents and 4 sisters. She recalls the night of the incident.
"When the earthquake happened I was at home in deep sleep. It woke me up. In fact the mud and brick bed we slept on collapsed and I fell into a hole. At that time I hadn't realized that it indeed was an earthquake. I just thought it was just a really bad storm. So I went to try and close the window. No sooner had I touched the window, than the wall also collapsed. Fortunately it fell outwards and I saw a strange dazzling light. Maybe it's called the earthquake light? It was then that I heard my mother shout, Earthquake! Earthquake! So I crawled away from the debris in our house onto the ruins outside. I was only wearing my underwear. When I looked around, my entire neighborhood was completely flattened. And the only thing standings were the two trees in front of our house. This was the only way (after) we could recognize where our house had once been."
Meanwhile, there had also been an Earthquake in a nearby town earlier in the year. So the people of Tangshan had been staying vigilant in case they befell the same fate, she remembers.
"Every night my father would balance a bottle on a metal ball to act as an early warning in the event of an earthquake. The idea being that, if there was an earthquake, the tremor would make the ball fall, hence making a noise and waking everyone from their sleep. But that was, useless."
The earthquake had occurred and it was tie to escape.
Her sister managed to crawl out of the debris, but unfortunately due to the injuries her father had sustained, he was paralyzed from the waist down; so they had to pull him out.
"When we came out of the rubble we noticed that both my father and my youngest sister were missing because they were not with us. My mother started calling out my father's name and us sisters also yelled out Daddy! Daddy! Where are you? So she (mother) decided to go back in with my neighbor. They saw apart of the roof curved upwards and my father was underneath raising it up with his head and shoulders while carrying my youngest sister in his arms. The earthquake was still happening and he almost gave up because he couldn't be able to hold the roof forever. So my neighbour managed to find a long stick to raise the roof so that my sister and my father could escape."
"My grandparents had two children; my father and my aunt. My aunt's family had been living in Beijing for many years. As time went on, my grandparents missed my aunt very much and wanted to see her almost every day. So my father tried his very best to move her family back to Tangshan in December 1974. Nearly 2 years later the earthquake occurred and my aunt died.
These memories are too much for Yu Suyun to bear, so she breaks down but is determined to continue with her story
"And so because of too much sadness and sorrow, my grandmother also passed away."
"Also my best friend Jia Lin lived (in a building) in the military hospital because just two years earlier, all the administrators from every department were moved to a newly built 4 storey structure. At that time almost all the houses were one storey. So I can't remember what time it was but then we saw smoke bellowing from the tall building. So I staggered towards that building calling out, suddenly I was shocked the whole building collapsed and a big fire broke out. I could do nothing but cry out her name...there was no answer. Jia Lin and her parents all perished, leaving her elder brother alone."
Vividly everything that happened on the fateful day remains crystal clear in her mind. These are memories she struggles with every day.
"The wounded were crying screaming and these terrifying sounds scared me to death. I couldn't dare open my eyes because blood was on the floor and everywhere. Mr. Wang my father's colleague was badly wounded: his head and face were swollen such that the size of his head was two or three times bigger. You couldn't tell that it was a man's head. Even worse, his head was almost falling off. And so he died on the way to the hospital. My whole life until now, I have nightmares."
Momentarily with hope and believe the only thing they had been left with, Sun Yun says, everyone had to accept their new normal; It was time to rebuild the city and move on. Her father had returned from the hospital 6 months later and miraculously was able to walk again to the amazement of his family and friends.
Nillah: After that tragedy did ever think of leaving Tangshan and move to another?
"I never thought of leaving Tangshan after the earthquake. In the few seconds the whole city lay in ruins, the suffering of the people was extreme and it seems as though it was the end of the world. But all hope was not lost. Despite the danger of frequent aftershocks, we are determined to live through and so we call it the great anti-earthquake spirit. "
Today because of her strength and resilience, Yu Suyun has grown to be one of the most recognized and loved residents in the city. She holds a super degree and has become one of the most popular teachers in Hebei province. Although life has been a struggle for many residents, Yu Suyun is grateful to be alive and is proud to be a resident of Tangshan.
Nillah Nyakoa, for Studio Plus.
版权所有: CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播
《[策划] 唐山大地震40年: 凤凰涅槃 浴火重生(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/527120.html,谢谢合作!