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[体育] 安息吧,拳王阿里 (双语)

[摘要]拳王阿里因病去世[Photo: CFP] “我从来没想过失利,只有胜利的名誉和荣耀。我可以看到,我可以感受得到。”这就是拳王阿里的人生观。当地时间6月3日,74岁的拳王阿里因病去世。 I never thought of the possibility of failing, only of the fame and glory...

拳王阿里因病去世[Photo: CFP]


  "I never thought of the possibility of failing, only of the fame and glory I was going to get when I won. I could see it. I could almost feel it." That was the life philosophy of Muhammad Ali, who died in June 3rd, 2016 at the age of 74.


  The legendary US boxer proclaimed he was the greatest of all time, and spent his entire life showing it.


  Generally, Ali is considered the greatest heavyweight in the history of boxing. He began training at 12 years old and started his career as an amateur in the 1950s. Ali won a gold medal in boxing in 1960 at the Rome Olympic Games and went on to become world heavyweight champion four years later.


  But the heavyweight crown was stripped in 1967 because the boxer refused to be drafted for military service during the Vietnam War, which Ali said was against his faith, which was Islam. As a result, with boxing license suspended, he had no fights in almost four years — during a period of peak performance in an athlete's career.

1963年伦敦,阿里(左)与亨利·库珀 [Photo: thepaper.com]


  Luckily, "the Greatest" was still the greatest after he returned to the ring, becoming the heavyweight champion twice more respectively in 1974 and 1978.

  雄辩的象征 Emblem of Eloquence


  Ali was one of those people who naturally attracted the press. Unlike his contemporary counterparts, his personality shone in media appearances, and he boldly spoke about social issues not related to his trade. He stood under the spot light, facing controversy head on.


  Ali spoke out against racism against African Americans in the United States. After he was refused services at a soda fountain counter, he threw his Olympic gold medal into a river.


  He publicly spoke out against the Vietnam War, "My conscience won't let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, some poor, hungry people in the mud, for big powerful America, and shoot them for what?" Ali said in an interview. "They never called me nigger. They never lynched me. They didn't put no dogs on me," he added.

1966年伦敦,阿里与穆斯林 [Photo: thepaper.com]


  He spoke out on behalf of Muslims. He converted to Islam at the age of 22. Even when troubled by diseases in his last days, Ali criticised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the US, saying that "We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda."

  阿里和中国 Ali and China


  Ali was invited to meet China's former vice premier Deng Xiaoping and visited the Great Wall in 1979. Deng said to the boxer, "You have deep feelings toward China. You are very welcome in China and to have a look around." Deng said to Ali, "Boxing can also be a bridge which enhances mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese and American people." Ali promised that he would teach China's first professional champion if there would be one.

1979年北京,中国前副总理邓小平(右)会见阿里 [Photo: chinaplusnews]


  In 2012, the one appeared: the country's first ever WBC champion Xiong Chaozhong, for whom Ali is an icon teaching him how to fight and how to overcome hardships.


  China's two-time Olympic champion boxer Zou Shiming also mourned Ali, vowing to win a professional title to honor him. "I planned to go visit my idol Mr. Muhammad Ali after winning a professional bout. But now, I can only pray he is at peace in heaven, and free from illness and pain."

中国两届奥运会拳击冠军得主邹市明 [Photo: people.com.cn]


  R.I.P to the one who floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee.

  版权所有:CRI NEWS Plus英语环球广播


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