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[国际] 英国小男童成“真人版匹诺曹”(双语)

[摘要]英国威尔斯有一名叫奥利特雷齐斯的21个月大的小男童,因为鼻子上有个大“圆球”,让他看起来就像《木偶奇遇记》里的匹诺曹。 Ollie Trezise, 21 months, was born with a defect called an encephaloceleIt causes the brain to grow through a hole in the...



  Ollie Trezise, 21 months, was born with a defect called an encephaloceleIt causes the brain to grow through a hole in the skull, creating a 'sac'.



  Miss Poole first discovered that something was different about Ollie at her 20-week scan when doctors told her he had unexpected soft tissue growing on his face.

  However, she was still shocked by his condition after giving birth to him at the University Hospital of Wales in February 2014."When they gave me Ollie to hold, I was so surprised that I almost couldn't speak."'He was so tiny, but there was this enormous golf-ball sized lump on his nose.



  But I knew that I would love him no matter what he looked like.



  'Ollie is a unique, clever, funny little boy and he amazes me every day. He is my special little Pinocchio, and I will never stop loving him.'




  'I'd much prefer if people asked me why Ollie looks the way he does, rather than just telling me is ugly or pointing and staring.'

  'We have regular check-ups at the hospital, and things are going really well.The youngster will need further operations in the future but doctors are waiting to see how his skull develops before performing any more invasive surgery.


  “奥利或许一辈子都无法像其他孩子那样拥有正常的容貌,但是我担心他会在学校会被欺负。在我眼里他完美无缺,我不认为与众不同有什么错。” 让我们一起祝福这个可爱的小男孩吧,希望他早日康复!

  'Ollie will probably never look like all the other children and I'm terrified that he will be bullied at school. But he is such a lovely boy that it's impossible not to adore him.

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播


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