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[摘要]2015年版的《自然》年度十大人物本周公布了,这是《自然》选出的在今年对于科学产生了重大影响的十个人。其中包括中国的基因编辑科学家黄军就。 The world-renowned journal Nature Thursday released its annual list of ten people who mattered in scienc...



  The world-renowned journal Nature Thursday released its annual list of ten people who mattered in science in 2015, which includes one Chinese scientist whose work in human embryo gene editing has caused repeated debate in the academic circle.

  “经《自然》记者和编辑大量讨论后选定的这十个人来自全球各地,从气候变化到基因编辑再到研究可重复性等一系列话题中,起到了重要的作用。”《自然》的专栏主编Helen Pearson说。

  "This year's list, compiled after much discussion by Nature's journalists and editors, spans the globe, highlighting individuals who have played important roles in issues ranging from climate change to gene editing to research reproducibility," said Helen Pearson, Nature's Chief Features Editor.



  The explosion of interest in CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing has been a major story of this year, and for this reason biologist Junjiu Huang at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou earned a place on the list.


  In April, Huang published the first report of a human embryo with edited genes, sparking a global debate on the ethics of such research.


  获选的黄军就及其团队正是利用这一技术对人类胚胎的一个特定基因进行修改,从而避免该基因突变导致地中海贫血症。黄军就此前接受《自然》采访时说,这项实验能 帮助探讨一些重大疾病在基因层面的成因,并有助于研究胚胎发育过程中基因所发挥的作用。

  In his study, Huang and his team used spare embryos from fertility clinics that could not progress to a live birth, and modified the gene, responsible for a kind of blood disorder, in the embryos. To accomplish the task, they adopted a powerful technique known as CRISPR-Cas9, which can be programmed to precisely alter DNA at specific sequences.



  Chinese-born chemical engineer Zhenan Bao is also included in the list. The female chemical engineer at Stanford University in California built an artificial skin using carbon nanotube sensors in a multidisciplinary lab focused on integrating electronics into the human body.



  Another female on the list is Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). She is featured for her role in the Paris climate negotiations. Figueres has spent more than five years rallying support and bringing nations together in an effort to produce a meaningful accord.


  核工程师Ali Akbar Salehi(阿里·阿克巴尔·萨利希),同时也是是伊朗原子能组织负责人,帮助六个世界大国达成了历史性的协议,限制了伊朗的核武器发展。

  Ali Akbar Salehi, nuclear engineer and head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran is also included in the list. He helped to forge a historic agreement with world powers concerning his country's nuclear activities.


  编辑们还选择了Alan Stern(艾伦·施特恩), 他是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)新视野号项目的负责人。新视野号今年7月成功飞掠冥王星,是行星科学领域近些年的最大事件之一。

  The editors also chose to include Alan Stern, who led NASA's New Horizons mission, which successfully swept past Pluto in July, which is one of the biggest events in planetary science for years.


  In addition to Huang, two scientists were included in the list for their gene-related research works.


  Christina Smolke(克里斯蒂娜·斯默尔克)上榜的原因是她在合成生物学达成的一项有争议的业绩:通过拼接起23个不同的来自植物,哺乳动物,细菌和酵母的基因,她制造出了一种能够生产强大的止痛药——阿片类药物的酵母菌株。

  Christina Smolke is featured for a controversial feat of synthetic biology: stitching together a pathway of 23 different genes from plants, mammals, bacteria and yeast to produce a yeast strain capable of making the powerful pain-killing drugs, opioids.


  还有俄国物理学家Mikhail Eremets,在坚持几十年的高压物理研究后终于有所斩获——他在硫化氢中发现了高温超导性,这是该领域一个非常令人兴奋的发现。

  Also featured is Russian physicist Mikhail Eremets, whose decades of perseverance with high-pressure physics finally struck gold when he discovered high-temperature superconductivity in the hydrogen sulfide system -- a hugely exciting development in the field.


  古基因组研究属于今年很火的领域之一,而David Reich(大卫·瑞奇)率先通过大规模测序和分析古代基因组来揭示人类的历史,从而也上了榜。

  David Reich has been sequencing and analyzing ancient genomes en masse to unpick human history.


  Brian Nosek(布莱恩·诺塞克)也在名单之中,他呼吁人们了解科学研究的可重复性背后的问题,今年高调地试图复制100项心理学研究结果。

  Meanwhile, Brian Nosek earned his place in the list by leading the campaign to understand issues in scientific reproducibility, culminated this year in a high-profile attempt to replicate findings in 100 psychology studies.


  太阳物理学家Joan Schmelz在鼓励女性天文学家大胆说出她们遭受各种骚扰的经历背后做出的努力,揭露了一个日益恶化的问题。

  Solar physicist Joan Schmelz is included in the list for her behind-the-scenes efforts to encourage female astronomers to speak up about their experiences of harassment, which helped to bring a festering problem to light.


  "Nature's ten reveals how science and scientists continue to play crucial roles in addressing global challenges," said Pearson.

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播











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