发布时间:2015-12-08 10:10 我来说说 我要投稿
Stricter Regulation Urged for Drones
New calls are being made for tighter regulations surrounding the use of drone aircraft in China. It comes on the heels of a new video making the rounds on the internet.
The video, captured by a private drone, shows a Chinese fighter jet making a landing while the drone attempts to keep pace with the aircraft.It's still unclear when or where the video was shot.
However, analysis of the video suggests the drone and the jet were no more than 500-meters apart when the video was shot.
Aviation expert Song Xinzhi says this was a very dangerous situation."Planes slow down during the landing process. But still, the speeds at this stage are still some 200-kilometers per hour. If the drone were to come into contact with the jet during its landing, it certainly could have created a fatal disaster."
Earlier this month, a military helicopter unit out of Hebei forced down a private drone operating near its training airspace. A couple of years ago, a privately-controlled drone flying near the Beijing Airport forced the delay of more than a dozen flights.
Duan Zhiyong with the government-backed Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association (AOPA)says new laws connected to drone operations are urgently needed
“无人机的监管需要制定规则,就像机动车一样。试想一下如果公路上没有交警,没有路灯,没有监控录像的话,交通秩序将会多么混乱不堪。” 据估计,现在中国大概有10万架私有无人机。之中大多数都是无证明无许可的,属于“黑飞”。而只有一个2013年的条款要求无人机操作员签署飞行协议。
"The management of drone flights requires rules, just like vehicles on the road. Just imagine what impact this has when it comes to managing road traffic without police officers, traffic lights or surveillance cameras." It's estimated there are around 100-thousand private drones being operated in China right now.Most of them are unlicensed and flying without approval, despite a 2013 regulation requiring drone operators to submit flight plans.
Reglating drone flights is something many countries around the world are working on.Like China, Russian drone operators are required to get approvals before a flight.In Japan, a bill passed this past September strictly bans drone flights over residential communities or crowded areas.
China is fast becoming a world leader in drone production and use, with estimates suggesting drone production and sales in China are set to exceed 100-billion yuanover the next 10-years.
版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播
《[科技] 无人机“黑飞”谁管? 小飞机大危险(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/286941.html,谢谢合作!