很多朋友有类似的问题,比如怎么开始学日语,怎样才更有效果,应该用什么教材等等。下面就针对有这些疑惑的初学者讲讲我个人的一些看法。 . 一、心态的准备 所谓心态,就是从实际情况出发,明确自己学习日语的目的究竟是什么,从而调整心理状态。 具体说来:...[详细]
爱语导读:新研究表明女性生育孩子的数量可能会影响身体衰老的速度,孩子越多,生理衰老的速度将会越慢。 New research suggests that the number of children a woman could affect the rate at which her body ages, with more children leading to a slowe...[详细]
爱语导读:华春莹说,“不管出现什么变化,(各方)都要坚持致力于推进半岛无核化的目标,坚持致力于维护半岛的和平稳定。” All sides should be committed to the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and avoid escalation...[详细]
爱语导读:三岁的Dash竟然有六块腹肌,他是怎么做到的呢?一起来看看吧! From running to jumping and climbing trapezes in his spare time, there is not one physical activity Dash Meagher doesn’t like. He is just three years old, but incredibly...[详细]
1. Embrace change vs. Fear change 1. 接受改变 vs. 惧怕改变 Embracing change is one of the hardest things a person can do. With the world moving so fast and constantly changing, and technologyaccelerating faster than ever, we need to embrac...[详细]
1.热情洋溢的谢谢: I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。 You're one in a million. 你真是个大好人。 You're the greatest. 你最棒了。 2.称赞对方功劳的谢谢: Thanks to you (we made it on time.) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。 I couldn't have done...[详细]
爱语导读:世界文化遗产之一,中国的万里长城,在多年来自然环境的侵蚀和人为破坏下,饱经沧桑,生存状况堪忧。 The Great Wall of China, a world heritage site, has suffered severe damage from both natural and man-made corrosion over the years. 世...[详细]
爱语导读:日本防卫省和自卫队决定,在索马里沿海执行打击海盗任务的P-3C巡逻机返航途中,将经停南海沿岸国家的军事基地。 The Defence Ministry and the Self-Defence Forces have decided that Japanese P-3C patrol aircraft returning home from anti-pir...[详细]
爱语导读:朝鲜公布了一段录像,据称该片段为新型潜射弹道导弹试验。 North Korea has released video footage of a purportedly new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) test, three days after it claimed it had successfully tested its first...[详细]
爱语导读:亚洲股市周一走低,持续上周证券下跌形势,股民紧张难安。 Asian shares headed lower on Monday as jitters from the sell-off in the markets last week continued to keep investors on edge. 亚洲股市周一走低,持续上周证券下跌形势,股民紧张...[详细]
爱语导读:白宫办公厅主任丹尼斯麦克多诺在全国广播公司的记者见面会上说,奥巴马将会在初选结束后参与这次的竞选活动。 President Barack Obama will not publicly back any presidential candidate before the Democratic Party has chosen who is to lead...[详细]
冬天来了,北风吹面透心凉,近日多地迎来今冬的初雪,这两天出门小伙伴们可要记得要添衣保暖哦!寒潮来袭,怎么用英语形容寒冷的天气呢?下面就来看看吧! 1. It's freezing/chilly out there! 外面冷死了! 2. There is a real nip in the air today. 今天...[详细]
爱语导读:中国民航监管机构出台首部轻型民用无人机运行“交通法规”。 China’s civil aviation regulator has issued its first-ever traffic rules for the operation of light-duty civilian unmanned aircraft. 中国民航监管机构出台首部轻型民用无人机...[详细]
英语口语的学习对于很多人来说都是一个不小的难题,其实小编想说的是口语的学习更在于平时的积累。下面为大家整理了实用的英语口语表达,有时间就多多背诵吧,收藏起来慢慢记忆也是个不错的选择呢! Any messages for me?有我的留言吗? Are you by yoursel...[详细]
爱语导读:数据显示,中国的消费者物价指数持续走低,在2015年达到六年来最低,专业人士呼吁更加宽松的经济政策。 China’s consumer inflation continued to slow in 2015 due to lackluster domestic demand amid a slowing economy, official data showed...[详细]
这些句子你能顺利读出来,那你的英语口语一定过了八级! 1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。 2. I think that that that that that student wrote on...[详细]
下面这些词语在英文网络上到底有多火——小编告诉你:火到已经有一所美国大学提议2016年禁用它们了。那咱们就一起来看看这些让老外又爱又恨的网络流行热词吧。 1. secret sauce: “秘诀” ,由其原意“秘制酱料”引申而来 The professor shared the secret s...[详细]
周一美食英语:如何用英语点餐 !,Are you ready to order?你准备好点餐了吗? 2,Of course,I‘d like the beef steak 当然,我想要牛排 3,Would you like your beef steak well done or rare?你想要你的牛排煎熟一点,还是声一点? 4,Well done 煎熟一...[详细]
In a university commencement address several years ago, Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises, spoke of the relation of work to one’s other commitments: 几年前,在一所大学的开幕典礼中,可口可乐的首席执行官布赖恩?戴森讲到工作与其他义务...[详细]