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[文化] 中国人平均身高全球排名第90位(双语)

[摘要]世界上哪个国家的人身高最高? 瑞士《商报》7月26日称,一个国际研究团队日前公布的调查结果显示,荷兰男性以平均1.825米、拉脱维亚女性以1.7米,分别夺得男女平均身高第一。东帝汶男性(1.6米)和危地马拉女性(1.49米)为全球平均身高最矮。 Recently, Handels...



  Recently, Handels Zeitung released an research result about the average height of people around the world.


  This research was conducted by Imperial College London, they traced the variation trend of average height through more than 180 countries and areas from 1914 to 2014. The result show that people in east Asia has the biggest increase. The average height of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese is much more higher than a hundred years ago.

  Korean female's average height is 20cm taller, and it remains the highest increase over 200 countries. The average height of Korean male is 15.1cm, and it's the third-highest increase.


  Some countries' average height also have stagnation. For example, American was once in the top list of the tallest people in the world. The average height of American male and female was the third and forth respectively a hundred years ago, but it fell to the 37th and 42nd in 2014. And in some area, such as sub-Saharan Africa, the average height also has decreasion.

  Experts think that the change of human's height is not simply decided by gene, sometimes it is also influenced by the nutrition condition and the living environment.


  The average height of Korean female was the fifth from the bottom a hundred years ago. However, it became the 55th in 2014. And the average height of Korean male also increased from the 150th to the 51th.


  Additionally, the average height of male in Netherlands was the tallest till 2014, it's 182.5cm. And the tallest female average height is in Latvia, it's 169.8. The ranking of China increased from the 130th to the 90th.

  Chinese Source: 新华网

  版权所有: CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播


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