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[时尚] 颜值不够发型来补! 2016最炫发型(双语)

[摘要]还在追求黑长直?你out啦! 长发飘飘早已不是时尚圈的主打歌,帅气的短发,潇洒的波波头,来看看哪些颜值逆天的女明星通过改变发型改变人生! Let us recommend one of the coolest hairstyle for women, the shortcut, and again, in every sense of the wor...


  还在追求黑长直?你out啦! 长发飘飘早已不是时尚圈的主打歌,帅气的短发,潇洒的波波头,来看看哪些颜值逆天的女明星通过改变发型改变人生!

  Let us recommend one of the "coolest" hairstyle for women, the shortcut, and again, in every sense of the word.

  Before we begin, let's take a look at how some female celebrities transformed themselves by switching to this hairstyle.

  “假小子”过耳短发 NO.1 孙俪 Sun Li



  Chinese mainland actress Sun Li is famous for her speical short hairstyle. Compared with her former image, short hairstyle makes her look much more sexy and mature.

  NO.2 高俊熙 Gao Junxi


  韩国模特高俊熙现在是公认的fashion icon,高挑的身材,大长腿,以及独特的时尚见解让她成为了粉丝的争相模仿的对象。出道时期的她虽然长发飘飘,但并没有很高的认知度;自从改变风格,留起了齐下巴的短波波头,她可谓是大红大紫。而去年在韩剧《她很漂亮》中,极短的过耳短发使她再一次引领了潮流。

  South Koeran model Gao Junxi has been the fashion leader of her country due to her unique fashion eyesight and taste. On last year famous TV series, she changed her hair style much shorter than before, and once again, she leads the fashion trend all over Korea, even all over Asia.

  NO.3 大表姐 詹妮弗劳伦斯

  Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence



  Jennifer Lawrence was firstly known by Chinese audience through her movie. Most Chinese fans like her so much because of her outspoken and straightforward personality.

  Recently, Jennifer change her long blonde hair into shortcut, and it makes her look more handsome.

  NO.4 终极女神来啦!奥黛丽赫本在《罗马假日》中的经典造型

  Last but not least, Audrey Hepburn in her iconic haircut in Roman Holiday.



  Back to 20th century, Audrey Hepburn had already perfectly explained the short hair style in her classic movie.

  Compared to longer hair, the shortcut is less sweet, more chic, and most importantly, an easy way to cool down and totally low maintenance.






  无论是long bob,还是short bob, 总有一款适合你,帅气干练中又不失女人味,是增添颜值的利器。

  There is no doubt that BoB is one of the most popular hair styles of 2016, no matter long bob or short bob, both can help you change your style and feelings.

  Here, we have compiled the most recommended bob shortcuts for different facial contours.

  圆脸妹子 Round Face


  The length most suited for those with rounder faces is at the chin. Shorter lengths will accentuate the roundness of the face, which is most likely something people in this group would do anything to avoid.


  Supermodel Miranda Kerr is the perfect demonstration. Kerr looks less glamorous, but much younger with this haircut.


  方脸妹子 Square Face


  Those with square-like faces usually have more pronounced jaws. To cover up the jaw and give a softer look. Both straight bob and wave bob can help you achieve this.


  英伦玫瑰凯拉奈特莉虽然瘦的像一片纸,却长期被大方脸所困扰,straight bob完美帮她遮住了突出的下颚。

  Cover them up like Keira Knightley.

  长脸妹子Long Face


  The hairstyle to avoid for those with long faces is the center-parted, straight and long hair.




  British model Agyness Deyn looks much better with her hair short. Full bangs will help cover up the forehead and give an illusion of a shorter face. And with this shortcut, she looks more than ten years old younger.



  Photo Source: China Daily

  版权所有: CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播


《[时尚] 颜值不够发型来补! 2016最炫发型(双语)》河南新闻-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/528510.html,谢谢合作!









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