发布时间:2016-12-21 08:53 我来说说 我要投稿
Iranians are sharing this meme which compares the national team's outfits to a pencil eraser
More than one billion people around the world are expected to watch the cream of the globe's athletes take part in the opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio on 5 August.2016里约奥运会将于8月5日开幕。预计全球将有超过10亿人关注参与开幕式的世界顶尖运动员们。
So it's no wonder that leading fashion brands have been keen to design uniforms for their country's Olympians. Historically, the likes of Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren and Stella McCartney have threaded their expensive needles and sewed furiously through the night (we'd like to think) to create designs for their nation's athletes.因此,各大时尚品牌热衷于为本国的奥运选手设计队服也就不足为奇了。过去,类似乔治?阿玛尼,拉尔夫?劳伦和斯特拉?麦卡特尼这样的品牌曾用他们昂贵的针线,满怀热情地彻夜缝制(我们这么认为),为本国的运动员制作服装。
We imagine that when traditional Georgian clothing manufacturer Samoseli Pirveli got a call to design the look of the nation's Olympians for the opening ceremony, the brand must have thought it was a career high-point.想象一下,当格鲁吉亚传统服装制造商Samoseli Pirveli接到电话,请他们设计国家队的奥运会开幕式服装,这个品牌一定认为自己达到了职业巅峰。
However, many Georgians did not agree. So much so that more than 6,000 have now signed an online petition, against the firm's designs for the Georgian national team.然而,许多格鲁吉亚人对此并不认同。目前,已经有超过6000人在网上签署请愿书,反对该公司为格鲁吉亚国家队设计的服装。
The petition against the design for the Georgian team has been signed by more than 6000 people
Much of the criticism stems from the fact the outfits for female team members take their inspiration from the national costume, the Chokha. Worn by Georgians for over a thousand years, it has since started making a comeback.大部分批评都指向女性队员的衣服,其灵感来自于格鲁吉亚民族服装“卓卡”。格鲁吉亚人穿“卓卡”已有一千多年历史,近年开始重新流行起来。
Samoseli Pirveli said that its design is a modern version of the Chokha. Female athletes are in long white dresses and dark red jackets and small hats and hold dark red purses, while men wear black suits with dark red frilling. Striking, certainly. But appropriate for a sporting event in Brazil? Social media did not think so.Samoseli Pirveli公司表示他们设计的是一种现代版“卓卡”。女运动员会身着白色长裙和深红色外套,配小帽子,手持深红色包包。男运动员则是有深红色褶边黑色套装。毫无疑问,这十分抢眼。但它们适合在巴西举办的运动赛事吗?社交媒体可不这么想。
University Professor Merab Basilaia joked that perhaps the designs covered so much skin in order to protect the athletes from the mosquito-borne Zika virus. Politician Zviad Kvachantiradze called the design "tasteless" and worried that it would make "the whole world laugh at Georgia." Similarly, the former Foreign Minister Salome Zourabichvili described the look as "neither sporty, nor Georgian".大学教授麦洛伯笑言该设计覆盖如此多的皮肤,或许是为了保护运动员免于蚊子传播的寨卡病毒。政治家兹维亚德称这一设计“毫无品味”,担心它会让“全世界都嘲笑格鲁吉亚”。同样,前外交部长萨洛米形容它看起来“既不运动,也不格鲁吉亚”。
One of the rare voices appealing for calm was Vasil Maghlaperidze, political commentator and producer of one of the programmes on the GDS TV station.少有的呼吁大家保持冷静的声音来自政治评论家瓦西尔,他也是格鲁吉亚GDS电视台一档节目的制作人。
"Everybody agrees that this is not a good uniform," he said in his Facebook post. "Let us now think about not putting our sportsmen in bad mood and sending them to Rio looking gloomy."他在脸书上写道:“所有人都同意这不是好的队服。现在让我们想想不要给我们的运动员带来坏心情,别让他们无比阴郁地前往里约。”
Samoseli Pirveli hit back, saying that its design was true of authentic Georgian culture.Samoseli Pirveli作出回应,称其设计符合真正的格鲁吉亚文化。
However, the company got off lightly compared to Mahnza Armin who came up with the original design for Iran. Such has been the backlash that Iranian officials say they will re-design their team's opening ceremony outfits after the outcry over its "poor design".然而,比起为伊朗国家队作原创设计的公司Mahnza Armin,格鲁吉亚的这家公司还算是轻松逃脱了。在“糟糕的设计”受到强烈反对后,伊朗官员表示他们会重新设计国家队的开幕式服装。
The widely-shared meme at the top of this article not too subtly likens the uniforms to Pelikan erasers. One of those drawing the comparison was the prominent actor and presenter, Rambod Javan. He put the picture on Instagram in a post which received more than 130,000 likes. It came with the caption: "A great well done to our officials for their choice of designer. Our athletes make lots of effort and gain glory but they are sent to the Olympics in such way."本文开头的那张广为流传的恶搞图毫不避讳地将伊朗队服比作百利金牌的橡皮擦。作如此对比的其中一人,是著名演员和主持人兰博德?贾范。他在Instagram上放的这张图收获了超过13万点赞,配文是:“我们的官员真是选对了设计师啊。我们的运动员奋发努力,争取荣誉,可竟然要这么去奥运会。”
"It is really disgraceful! They were so ugly that I didn't feel like putting their pictures on this page," wrote well-known actor Reza Kianian. Another social media user on Telegram said that the design was so bad, the Islamic State group must be involved;著名演员雷扎?吉安尼写道:“真是非常丢脸!他们太丑了,我都不想把图放出来。”社交媒体Telegram上的另一个用户说,这设计太糟糕,一定是“伊斯兰国”参与其中了。
"If Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt wore Iran's Olympics squad outfits..."
Harsh words. And some have suggested that actually the designs wouldn't look so bad on the right people.批评真是刺耳。有些人表示实际上,队服穿在对的人身上也不会那么难看啊。
However, even some photoshopped Hollywood glamour has not halted the tide of criticism. Neither has the statement by the designer, Mahnza Armin, that the design and composition of colours signify peace and friendship.然而,即使PS了一些好莱坞巨星的图也没能止住批判的浪潮。设计公司Mahnza Armin的声明也不管用,尽管其表示颜色的设计和组成代表了和平和友谊。
《多国奥运服装遭吐槽 伊朗队服似“橡皮擦”》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/524238.html,谢谢合作!