发布时间:2016-07-19 08:11 我来说说 我要投稿
World experts voiced concern over the global challenge of aging populations and decreasing birth rates at a forum in Shanghai on Sunday.
American expert Teresa Sullivan, President with University of Virginia, spokeabout the deteriorating social security deficit in the US, caused by a declining birth rate, which is also occurring in China.
As a result of family planning, primary school enrollments in China have declined by one third from 1995 to 2008. In the next decade, experts predict the decline may lead to a 30 percent reduction of the workforce aged between 20 and 24.
Statistics show that China's labor force has seen a four-year consecutive decline, down from 937 million in 2012 to 911 million in 2015, causing people to question whether China's labor-driven growth will continue.
Founder Securities noted that China's annual shortage of migrant workers suggest its labor resource have already been depleted. But, there are also experts expecting a transformation.
渣打银行资深中国经济学家颜色在接受记者采访时称,尽管非熟练劳动力供给下降目前正侵蚀中国低端制造业部门的竞争力,但新的人口红利模式正在形成——到2030年,估计约27%的劳动人口将拥有大学学历,接近德国、法国和英国目前的水平。这一新的红利模式建立在劳动力质量上, 将加快中国产业升级向技术密集型高端制造业转变。“这将加快中国产业升级向技术密集型高端制造业转变,支撑未来数十年的经济增长。”颜色认为。关键是接下来的改革要对新的人口红利模式形成进行支持。
During an interview with China Business Journal, Yan Se, a Chinese expert with Standard Charted Bank, said China's growing bachelor-degree holders will likely lead to a new growth model built on a high-quality workforce, which will replace the existing model. "This (high-quality workforce) will speed up China's industrial upgrading towards technology-intensive production, which will support growth in next decade", said Yan.
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