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[科技] 快递员哭!无人机会抢走哪些工作?(双语)

[摘要]谷歌和亚马逊已经开始用无人机送货了,真是反应神速。但最新调查显示,快递运输只是无人机将要取代人类工作的领域之一。 Google and Amazon were quick to put drones to use delivering orders.But new research suggests delivery is just one small way d...



  Google and Amazon were quick to put drones to use delivering orders.But new research suggests delivery is just one small way drones are going to replace humans.



  The global market for drones, valued at around $2 billion today, will replace up to $127 billion worth of business services and human labour over the next four years, according to a new research by consulting firm PwC.



  Drone technology could soon become part of our everyday lives, monitoring problems with crumbling infrastructure such as cracks in tarmac, bridges and houses and even repairing them as part of $45.2 billion of infrastructure work currently done by humans. Drones will be able to perform most tasks at height, reducing the risk of death and injury and increasing efficiency. In transport, one of the most promising uses of drones is predicted to be food delivery.



  “Providing products such as frozen food, ready-to-eat dishes or even daily groceries from large chains may become be the next big thing in the food and restaurant industries,” analysts at PwC said. As soon as regulation permits, drones will be able to decrease the time it takes to deliver food, PwC said. Google is for instance already trying to solve the problem of how to fly drones safely in yards without endangering pets or other potential obstacles.In agriculture, drones will increasingly be used to gather and analyse data on crops quickly as well as to do precise spraying on plants.



  Top drone markets by 2020 according to PwC

  1. Infrastructure ($45.2 bn) 基础设施

  2. Agriculture ($32.4bn) 农业

  3. Transport ($13bn) 交通运输

  4. Security ($10bn) 安全

  5. Media and entertainment ($8.8 bn) 媒体和娱乐产业

  6. Insurance ($6.8 bn) 保险

  7. Telecoms ($6.3bn) 电信

  8. Mining ($4.4bn) 采矿业


  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播


《[科技] 快递员哭!无人机会抢走哪些工作?(双语)》河南新闻-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/411954.html,谢谢合作!









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