发布时间:2016-04-28 09:59 我来说说 我要投稿
关于iPhone 5c继承者的风闻早在去年3月就开始出现,网上甚至还出现过“iPhone 6c真机照”,一度疯传会与iPhone 6s、6Plus一同发布,尽管最终并未实现,不过人们仍认为iPhone 6c终会到来。
前不久,中国移动曝光了下一代iPhone新机的发布时间可能会在2016年4月份。据外媒最新消息称,iPhone 7c苹果手机将于本月开始量产。
自2014年苹果发布大屏幕iPhone 6、6Plus以来,销量一直遥遥领先,但是仍有不少用户怀念以前的4寸小屏手机,此次iPhone 7c很有可能重回4寸单手操作小屏手机时代。但是鉴于iPhone 7系列尚未发布,似乎此次新品更有可能被称作iPhone 6c。
Since releasing its larger Apple iPhone range in 2014, the tech giant's devices have consistently topped the sales charts, but many have lamented the demise of its 4-inch handsets. Given the fact that the iPhone 7c could be released before the official iPhone 7, it is more likely the phone will be called iPhone 6c.
中国移动2016年的新品PPT中显示,苹果公司将在今年4月份左右推出新款iPhone,其售价会超过3000元,按照目前的传闻来看,这应该就是iPhone 7C了。
Rumours that Apple will return to manufacturing smaller 'iPhone minis' have been circling for months, but a Chinese network operator may have just given the best indication yet. In a presentation outlining its 2016 roadmap, China Mobile showed a slide that revealed an iPhone 7c will launch in March.
富士康员工爆料称,iPhone 7c的外形与iPhone 5S非常相似,4寸屏加金属机身材质,两者的三围也是相差无几,拿在手中如果不说,都会以为是iPhone 5S。
此外,iPhone 7c除了配备4寸屏幕外,还会搭载A9处理器,内置2GB内存,而iPhone 7、7 Plus则是A10处理器。支持Apple Pay功能,有两到三种配色供选择,以及和5S一样的相机像素,喜欢小屏iPhone的用户有福了!
Elsewhere, the 4-inch iPhone is expected to have an A9 chip manufactured by both TSMC and Samsung, and glass with curved edges like the iPhone 6s.
It will come with Apple Pay, two to three colour options, and the same camera specs as the 5s - an 8MP rear-facing camera and 1.2-MP front shooter.
根据报道所说,2016年苹果将有3款新机面世,iPhone 7可能要拖到9月份,请大家拭目以待。
The leaked information follows on from claims by a leading analyst that Apple will release an 'iPhone mini' with a 4-inch screen early in 2016.
版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播
《[科技] iPhone新品发布在即 6c还是7c?(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/383160.html,谢谢合作!