发布时间:2016-05-07 10:53 我来说说 我要投稿
The world's most successful fugitive, who climbed over the walls of a Dorset prison using knotted bedsheets, has now been on the run for 60 years.
这名名叫韩南(John Patrick Hannan)的囚犯,在1955年12月逃出波特兰岛(Portland Island)维恩监狱(Verne Prison)后至今行踪成谜,成为史上在逃时间最长的囚犯。
John Patrick Hannan holds the record for the longest escape from custody after he escaped from Verne Prison, in Portland, in December 1955.
He was 22 at the time of his breakout and has now notched up six decades at large, despite repeated police appeals.
Although he is technically still a wanted man, Dorset Police gave up actively searching for Hannan almost 20 years ago after its last high-profile appeal yielded no results.
尽管没有确切消息表示韩南还健在,如果在世的话,81岁的他应该生活在家乡爱尔兰的某个地方。他的越狱记录使英国越狱历史上最臭名昭著的几个案例都相形见绌。比如在逃32年最终投案自首的火车劫匪Ronnie Biggs。
Although it has not been confirmed that he is still alive, Hannan would now be aged 81 and is believed to be living in his home country of Ireland.
His time as a fugitive easily eclipses some of Britain's most notorious prisoners' efforts, such as the late train robber Ronnie Biggs who spent 32 years on the run before giving himself up.
先前的囚犯在逃时间最长“世界纪录”保持人,是美国内华达州的佛里斯科(Leonard Frisco),而韩南其实2001年就已打破他在逃45年11个月的纪录。韩南于1955年因为偷车和袭警被判处21个月有期徒刑。
The previous world record for the longest prison escape, of 45 years and 11 months, was held by Leonard Frisco from Nevada. However, this was broken by Hannan in 2001.
Hannan was sentenced to 21 months in prison at the Old Bailey in 1955 for car theft and assaulting two police officers.
在1998年,多赛特警方发布消息呼吁韩南投案自首。在报纸中,警方写到:"亲爱的韩南先生,如果您读到这条消息的话请与我们联系,我们期待您的回复。" 在这之后警方表示不再积极追捕逃犯,但是欢迎任何人提供一切有关线索。
In 1998, Dorset Police appealed directly to Hannan to give himself up. In a force newsletter, officers said: "If you read this Mr Hannan please write in, we'd love to hear from you."
A Dorset Police spokesman said they were no longer actively searching for Hannan, but would treat any information about his whereabouts with "considerable interest".
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