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圣诞节到了 买iphone6s作为礼物还是等着iphone7?

[摘要]爱语导读:如果你现在就想买个新的iphone呢?下一个机型可能要到2016年9月才会发布,等到那个时候值得么?还是趁圣诞节之际,尽快下手苹果现在的产品呢?究竟下一代iphone有什么不同之处可以让苹果用户耐心等下去呢? The new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus models m...


  The new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus models may have only recently reached the hands of customers, but according to, Apple has "big plans" for the iPhone 7.

  新出的iphone6s和iphone6s plus可能最近才被顾客收入囊中,但是根据KnowYourMobile.com的消息,苹果已经对iphone7有了大计划。

  But what if you’re looking to get hold of a new iPhone right now? Is it worth holding on for the next model which is likely to come out in September 2016, or would it be better use Christmas as an opportunity to get your hands on Apple’s current offering as soon as possible? Just what could the next iPhone do so differently to tempt iPhone users to wait it out?


  No home button


  Designer Hasan Kaymak put together a concept video for the iPhone 7 which features a number of tantalising ideas, including the notion that Apple might do away with the home button completely on its forthcoming model. This makes room for a completely edge-to-edge display.


  Even thinner?


  Apple’s never-ending pursuit of thinner devices is expected to continue on the next iPhone. It is rumoured that the iPhone 7 could ship without the industry-standard 3.5mm headphone jack. If the headphone jack is dropped from the next iPhone in the pursuit of thinness, Apple could potentially introduce new ways to use headphones with the iPhone.

  苹果公司持之以恒的追求更薄机型的精神可能会延续到下一代iphone。有传言称iphone7可能会卸载标准的3.5毫米耳机插口。如果下一代iphone 为了更轻薄而卸载耳机插口,苹果可能会提出新的使用iphone耳机的方法。

  Waterproof design


  Several sites, including Apple Insider, note that the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus have significantly greater water resistance than their predecessors. Some tech experts believe that the changes may foreshadow a completely waterproof iPhone 7 in 2016.

  多家网站,包括Apple insider,都提出iphone6s和iphone6s plus比之前的机型在防水性上有了很大的提高。一些技术专家认为,这些改变预示着2016年的iphone7将拥有完全防水功能。

  Wireless charging


  The US Patent and Trademark Office indicate that the California-based technology company may finally be preparing to incorporate wireless charging into its next generation phones. If a phone capable of wireless charging is a necessity for you, an iPhone won’t be on your Christmas list this year. However, the introduction of wirelessly charging iPhones seems inevitable at this point, and will likely happen soon.


  There is no confirmed release date for the iPhone 7, but tech critics predict that it will be around September again for the iPhone 7, possibly alongside the Apple Watch 2.

  Iphone7的发布时间目前还没有确实消息。但是技术专家认为应该还是会在九月,很可能与Apple Watch 2一起发布。



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