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[社会] "反恐法"元旦生效 中国心意已决(双语)

[摘要]12月27日,中国人大常委会表决通过了《中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法》,旨在维护国家安全,维护国际和平。 China's top legislature on Sunday adopted the country's first counter-terrorism law in the latest attempt to address terrorism at home and h...



  China's top legislature on Sunday adopted the country's first counter-terrorism law in the latest attempt to address terrorism at home and help maintain world security.


  At a press conference held on Sunday, An Weixing, an official with the public security ministry, at Sunday's press conference, said China is facing rising threats of terrorism.

  "Terrorist attacks have caused heavy losses of people's lives and properties, posing a serious threat to our security, stability, economic development and ethnic unity," An said.



  The new law, which will enter into force in January next year, will provide legal support to the country's counter-terrorism activities as well as collaboration with the international society, he said.


  The term "terrorism" is defined as any proposition or activity -- that, by means of violence, sabotage or threat, generates social panic, undermines public security, infringes on personal and property rights, and menaces government organs and international organizations -- with the aim to realize certain political and ideological purposes.




  Li Shouwei of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee legislative affairs commission, said the rule accorded with the actual work needed to fight terrorism and was basically the same as other major countries.

  "The clause reflects lessons China has learned from other countries and is a result of wide solicitation of public opinion," he added.

  "(It) will not affect companies' normal business nor install backdoors to infringe intellectual property rights, and citizens' freedom of speech on the internet and their religious freedom," Li said.



  Before Sunday's new bill, China did not have an anti-terrorism legislation, though related provisions feature in various NPC Standing Committee decisions, as well as the Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Emergency Response Law.

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播


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