发布时间:2016-02-19 08:35 我来说说 我要投稿
肥胖人口大调查,每100人中,胖子有几个?根据英国民意调查机构Ipsos MORI最近开展的一项调查显示,胖子并没那么多,或许只是我们想太多!在印度,肥胖人口占总人口的五分之一,但是民众心中的胖子比例居然高达41%!美国人误认为自己很瘦,以为居民肥胖率占5成,结果大大出乎意料:每100人中,符合胖子标准的多达66人,胖子多到超乎你的想象!沙特阿拉伯等中东富裕国家也开始担心肥胖率,并且严重低估了胖子们的存在,受访者认为每100人中,胖子只有28个,然而结果正相反,每百名人口中就有71人有超重或肥胖问题。
Out of every 100 people in your country, how many do you think are overweight? When Ipsos MORI posed this question to respondents recently, the majority of them significantly underestimated the prevalence of obesity. In India, however, there was an overestimation. Only 20 percent of people are overweight while the average guess there was 41 percent. In the United States, people guessed that the obesity rate is 50 percent. In reality, it is 66 percent. Saudi Arabia is struggling with an obesity problem and its citizens significantly underestimated its extent. They guessed that 28 out of every 100 people are overweight while in reality, the number is 71.
版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播
《[社会] 胖子之多,多到超乎你的想象! (双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/335416.html,谢谢合作!