Rio 2016 organisers have revealed the medals that will be competed for at this summer's Olympics.2016年里约奥运的组委会公布了今夏奥运赛场将竞逐的奖牌。 A total of 2,488 medals, each weighing 500g, have been produced - with 812 gold, 812 si...[详细]
Whether you’ve interviewed over one million times or can count on one hand how many times you’ve been face-to-face with a hiring manager, the process is always stressful. Not only are you trying your hardest to present the very best vers...[详细]
王家兴说过礼仪是一门学问,有特定的要求。在家庭、学校和各类公共场所,礼仪无处不在。就个人而言,表现在举止文明、动作优雅、姿态潇洒、手势得当、表情自然、仪表端庄等。 礼仪作为人际交往的重要的行为规范,它不是随意凭空臆造的,也不是可有可无的。了解礼仪的起...[详细]
These children have very comical responses to the question of what or who they want to be when they grow up. 当被问及长大后想成为什么或想当什么样的人,这些孩子给出的回答非常好笑。 Images circulating the web show some youngsters' dreams in...[详细]
吉卜力工作室生日快乐!我们精选了31张唯美的手机壁纸庆祝吉卜力工作室31周年! Happy birthday to Studio Ghibli! We celebrate Studio Ghibli 31th birthday with some cool smartphone wallpapers! 吉卜力工作室是世界闻名的日本动画电影工作室,设立在日...[详细]
看新闻一直是学习英语的好方法,今天大家就来和留学监理网的老师一起学习一些新闻热词吧。希望可以为大家的口语写作素材库“添砖加瓦”。 本周热词第三名--高考后经济/After-Gaokao Economy Since 9.4 million students have finished taking the national c...[详细]
6月18日的雅思口语试题汇总已经出炉!最近要考试的同学快快练起来吧! Part 1 House/flat Where do you live? Have you lived there for a long time? What place in you home do you like most? Why? Is there something you want to change in your home?...[详细]
你一共会多少种外语?你想不想成为多语种牛人?你是否还为学习一门外语挣扎? 今天的话题要从美国纽约的一位可以使用20多种外语的超级牛人--Timy Doner说起。 Tim学习外语的过程: Tim小时候是童星出身,有模仿不同发音和口音的天赋; 3年级时开始学习法语;...[详细]
Hope 希望 ◇ —— By Emily Bront Hope was but a timid friend; She sat without the grated den, Watching how my fate would tend, Even as selfish-hearted men. 希望只是个羞怯的友伴 她坐在我的囚牢之外, 以自私者的冷眼旁观 观察我的命运的好歹。 S...[详细]
百度:春喜外语(官网免费试听),还有平板电脑相送哦! 你是不是怕孩子输在起跑线上?你还在担心那些枯燥乏味的英语单词,难以吸引孩子的注意力吗?你还在担心孩子不能很好地记住常见语法吗?春喜外语帮你出新招! 1. be的用法口诀 2. 介词用法 3. 可数名词复...[详细]
Do you waste time at work? No, of course you don’t. Never! You’re very productive. And do you have a smartphone? Yes, you do, but that’s not relevant to your work quality. Sure, it’s usually within sight while you’re working, but that...[详细]
面试中如何谈论自己,才不会对方觉得你在夸夸其谈?四种方式助你面试成功。 Read just about any article about job searching and you’ll probably get fairly clear instructions to toot your horn, show ’em what you’re made of, or make it very ea...[详细]
大熊猫妈妈雅莉 6月20日,大熊猫妈妈雅莉在四川生下了一对双胞胎宝宝。根据四川大熊猫繁育研究基地表示,这对双胞胎“姐妹花”是今年第一对大熊猫双胞胎。 A giant panda gave birth to twins in Chengdu city, southwest China's Sichuan Province on June...[详细]
If you’ve not yet caught wind of the decade-old princess-culture-is-problematic discussion — especially if you’re a parent — you must be actively working to avoid it. The latest study adding fuel to the fire comes out of Brigham Young...[详细]
新研究显示,工作场所刺激量的不足和不洁净的工作环境从长远来看均会影响员工的大脑功能。 A new study from the Florida State University suggests that inadequate amount of stimulation in the workplace and an unclean working environment can both...[详细]
David Cameroon’s Statement on the Outcome of the Referendum on the UK’s Membership of the European Union Downing Street 24 June 2016 Good morning, everyone! The country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise – perhaps the bi...[详细]
雅思口语评分标准之流利与连贯,其实考试的时候考生们经常遗忘。就连一些比较好的雅思口语范文甚至在连贯度上做的都不是很好,所以本文内容希望考生们能够足够重视。 一、“流利与连贯”之具体要求 在雅思考试的官方评分标准中,“流利与连贯”主要测评细节...[详细]
关注:洛基英语官方微信(luoji917),云课堂等你来赏 百度:洛基英语(官网免费试听),直播课等你来约 ----------------------------------------- 有时候和陌生人打开话匣子比较困难。无论是公司活动还是派对上,都不该只缩在角落里。和周围人互相交流能...[详细]
在雅思备考中,很多考生的备考时间并不充足,这就需要大家掌握各个单项的备考要点和学习方法,这样才能提高效率,在短期内有所突破。下面小编为大家详细介绍雅思听力短期内提分诀窍,希望对大家的雅思听力备考有帮助。 一、词汇积累 词汇是雅思听力备考的基...[详细]
粑粑麻麻们都不希望自己的孩子是经不起风雨的温室花朵,辣么,就绝不能对孩子过分溺爱哦。但有时候溺爱却是很难分辨的,下面小E给大家12个信号,这些信号出现的时候就表明你在溺爱孩子啦! 1 不分场合乱发脾气 一个小孩被溺爱最常见的迹象就是,TA经常大发脾...[详细]