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[摘要]6月18日的雅思口语试题汇总已经出炉!最近要考试的同学快快练起来吧! Part 1 House/flat Where do you live? Have you lived there for a long time? What place in you home do you like most? Why? Is there something you want to change in your home?...


  Part 1


  Where do you live? Have you lived there for a long time?

  What place in you home do you like most? Why? Is there something you want to change in your home? How long do you stay at home? Do you prefer to play at home or outside?

  Do you like magazine? What is your favorite magazine, why?

  When is your birthday? What do you usually do on your birthday?





  Do yo like science? Do you think students should spend more time learning science. Do you like watching science programs on TV?

  Do you like singing? When do Chinese people sing?

  Did you like hats when you were young?

  Part 2

  Talk about positive personality.

  Describe an interesting public place.

  A person you spent a lot of time with.

  A story you learned on TV.

  An interesting animal.

  Part 3

  What quality does a successful person possess?

  Do you like making friends with people who have similar personality like you?

  Do you think think the successful people are happy?

  What kind of public places do adults and children like to go?

  What is the function of a public area?

  What outdoor activity do the people in your country like?

  What kind of people like to take photos more than to see the view?

  Some people take a lot of photos but not to pay attention to the view. What is your opinion on that?

  Which do you prefer, study alone or with a group of people?

  Do you think people nowadays spend lots of time with their friends?

  Do computers and cellphones influence people’s lives?

  Do you think the TV and the development of relative technologies will affect kids’ education?

  What wild animal do Chinese people like most?

  Why do people like pets?

  Why it is difficult to keep/raise a pet in an apartment?

  Why do some people dislike pets?











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