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[学英语] 你听过window dressing吗?(双语)

[摘要]欢迎大家来到周末涨姿势时间,有图有真相,现在开始学习吧! 1. Window dressing 【例句】 -BP only did some window dressing to deal with the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. (BP只是装模作样的处理了一下墨西哥湾漏油事件。) -In World War 2, Britain's a...




  1. Window dressing


  -BP only did some window dressing to deal with the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. (BP只是装模作样的处理了一下墨西哥湾漏油事件。)

  -In World War 2, Britain's attack on Finland was just window dressing, to appease the Soviets. (二战期间,英国对芬兰宣战只是作秀罢了,是为了安抚苏联。)

  -Before the Gaokao, she was sick and tired of the repetitive review. So she decided to relax and listen to some music, but whenever her mom came to her room, she had to do some window dressing to cheat her. (高考前夕,她复习的都要吐了,于是决定放松一下,听些音乐。但是每当她妈妈走进房间,她就假装在学习。)

  -When Gloria told her son to clean his room, Brian just did some window dressing, by hiding all his clothes and toys under his blanket. (Gloria要儿子打扫房间,结果Brian只是做做样子,把衣服和玩具都藏在毯子下面。)

  -When people heard the big boss coming, they did some window dressing to impress him. That day everybody seemed to be very busy, working really hard.(老板来的时候,为了给老板留个好印象,大家都装作工作很忙、很卖力的样子。)


  【解释】To pretend to be dealing with a problem, rather than actually dealing with it.


  2.Under the table


  -My friend's jade business has gone bankrupt because it relied on corrupt businessmen doing deals under the table.(朋友的玉石生意黄了,原因是它全靠商人们的暗箱交易。)

  -In order to build a new dirty power plant, the corrupt mayor got a few bucks under the table. (建这么一座污染严重的发电厂,市长收了不少黑钱。)

  -The perks that the employees got at the golf club were strictly under the table. (员工收的好处费全是偷偷摸摸进行的。)

  -The corrupt official got all his money under the table. But since he could not deposit it in the bank, he bought a big house to store it. (贪官的钱都是收受贿赂得来的,但是又不能存在银行,所以买了一座大房子来藏钱。)

  -Gareth was paid for the side-job under the table, in order to avoid taxes. (为了避税,Gareth的兼职工作拿的是现金。)


  解释Something that is secret.

  版权所有: CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播


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