发布时间:2017-01-07 09:51 我来说说 我要投稿
As a new and fresh online language, the proper use of emojis is conducive to promoting an effective dialogue. Otherwise, misunderstandings may just happen, leading to anger, disappointment and sadness. Let's take stock of 10 emoji-related rules you should abide by in social network communication.
No. 1 Do not send flirtatious emojis at the start of the conversation.
Even when you use friends-oriented chat and dating apps, do not send flirtatious emojis to others at the beginning of a dialogue. People may feel harassed and want to stay away from you. A promising relationship may come to an end because of the emoji.
No. 2 Do use basic emojis in normal communication with people you do not know well.
When you communicate with someone for the first time, you should keep in mind basic emojis, such as "Chuckle", "Grin", "Applause"and "Likes", to behave politely.
No. 3 Do not send emojis when you first communicate with your bosses.
Emojis themselves make up a language with frivolous meanings. When you talk with your boss about businesses, official work in particular, you should use clear and concise language instead.
No. 4 Loving heart emojis in different colors represent different meanings.
Do not send a "Red Heart"emoji to anyone except your lover. A red heart represents love; a blue one means respect; a green one stands for friendship while an orange one means admiration. When you send a pink heart to someone, it means you two will fall in love or have a dubious relationship.
No.5 Do not send the smile emoji to express your positive feelings.
The emoji "Smile"used to represent kindness can sometimes indicate unhappy and dismissive feelings. For example, you can use it to reply with when you disagrees with something or do not want to continue the conversation.
No.6 Do send three same emojis continuously rather than one to relive embarrassment.
Just like the saying goes: "Two heads are better than one." When you do not know how to follow a conversation, maybe you can try this method - it works well.
7 、几个表情符号暗示着想要结束对话。
No.7 Several rounds of emoji dialogues suggest the end of a conversation.
Words should be the main part of a normal dialogue while emoji act as the boosting engine. When no characters are needed, it is time to end the conversation before embarrassment overcomes you both.
8 、不同的设备上表情符号的显示方式不同。
No.8 Do remember emojis are shown differently on different devices.
Just take a look at the emojis carefully before sending it to others. Sometimes, you intend to send "Face with Tears of Joy"but send "Sob"instead.
9 、给长辈不要发送特殊的表情。
No.9 Do not be particular about emojis sent by the elderly.
When communicating with the elderly on the social network platform, do not make a fuss about their emoji usage. After all, "Smile"means smile and "Goodbye"means goodbye.
10 、为了更有效的对话,记住你手机上最常用表情符号的位置,或者预设这些表情的位置。
No.10 Do remember the locations of frequent emojis you use in your devices or preset these emoji for an effective dialogue.
We usually have some preferred emojis in our normal dialogues. If we set them on a certain position and keep in mind, we can quickly raise our communication efficiency.
English Source:China Daily
版权所有: CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播
《[文化] 天天发表情 这些表情潜规则你造吗(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/535441.html,谢谢合作!