发布时间:2016-12-22 10:58 我来说说 我要投稿
7 月12 日,NBA退役的传奇球星科比· 布莱恩特代言了中国知名的在线外卖订餐平台“饿了么(ele.me)”。中国企业雇用外国体育明星来推广自己的品牌已经不是第一次了。接下来,小编带大家看看都有哪些体坛巨星代言了哪些中国品牌,他们的代言费又是多少。
Retired National Basketball Association (NBA) legend Kobe Bryant’s endorsement of Ele.me, a Chinese online food ordering and delivery app, was announced on July 12. It is not the first time Chinese companies have employed foreign sports stars to promote their brands. Here is a list of foreign sports stars endorsing Chinese brands.
科比· 布莱恩特& 饿了么 Kobe Bryant & Ele.me
时间︰2016 年7 月12 日 July 12, 2016
费用︰未知 Unknown
Ele.me's poster featuring Kobe and Chinese comedian Wang Zulan advertises the online food ordering and delivery company's slogan of "arrive on time, get rebate if delayed".
克里斯蒂亚诺· 罗纳尔多& 努比亚 Cristiano Ronaldo & Nubia
时间︰2016 年6 月7 日 June 7, 2016
费用︰每年约400 万欧元 Approximately 4 million euros annually
2016 年6 月28 日广告海报上,皇家马德里的葡萄牙足球巨星克里斯蒂亚诺· 罗纳尔多手持努比亚的Z11手机。这款手机是中兴通讯集团旗下的高端智能手机品牌努比亚科技有限公司的一款主打产品。
Real Madrid's Portuguese soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo holds the Nubia Z11, a flagship handset launched by Nubia Technology Ltd, ZTE Corp's upmarket smartphone brand, on June 28, 2016, on an advertising poster.
里奥·梅西&华为 Lionel Messi & Huawei
时间︰2016 年 3 月 17 日 March 17, 2016
费用︰每年约500到600 万欧元 Approximately 5 to 6 million eurosannually
2016 年3 月17 日在西班牙,电信巨头华为技术有限公司宣布梅西的为该公司的全球品牌大使。在新闻发布会上巴塞罗那队的阿根廷前锋里奥·梅西(中)、华为美洲市场首席执行官(左),和华为手机客户主席(右)在自拍。
FC Barcelona's Argentinian forward Lionel Messi (C), Tyrone Liu (L), CEO of Consumer Business Group for Huawei Latin America, and Kevin Ho (R), president of Handset Business of Huawei Consumer BG, takes a selfie during a press conference in which telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd announced Messi's appointment as the company's Global Brand Ambassador in Barcelona, Spain, March 17, 2016.
德怀特· 霍华德& 匹克 Dwight Howard & Peak
时间︰2015 年8 月30 日 August 30, 2015
费用︰未知 Unknown
2015 年9 月12 日,江西省南昌市,由运动品牌匹克体育用品有限公司举行的公开活动上,NBA 亚特兰大老鹰队的美国职业篮球运动员德怀特· 霍华德,在其2015中华行期间与学生们拍照。
Dwight Howard, American professional basketball player for the Atlanta Hawks of the NBA, takes a photo with students at a publicity campaign during his 2015 Dwight Howard China Tour organized by sportswear company Peak Sport Products Co Ltd, in Nanchang, East China's Jiangxi province, September 12, 2015.
克莱·汤普森& 安踏 Klay Thompson & ANTA
时间︰2015 年2 月12 日 February 12, 2015
费用︰未知 Unknown
2015 年2 月12 日,在安踏体育用品有限公司纽约的新闻发布会上,NBA金州勇士队的美国职业篮球神射手,克莱汤普森(左)第一次为安踏鞋签名。该系列被命名为"KT FIRE" 。
Klay Thompson (L), American professional basketball sharpshooter for the Golden State Warriors of the NBA, holds his first ANTA signature shoes named "KT FIRE" at a press conference in New York, February 12, 2015.
斯蒂芬 ·马布里&361 ° Stephon Marbury & 361°
时间︰11 月,2012年 November, 2012
费用︰未知 Unknown
前NBA 球员中国篮球联赛(CBA)北京金隅男篮俱乐部的现役球员斯蒂芬 马布里,在广告海报上身穿一件361 度国际有限公司的篮球背心。
Former NBA player Stephon Marbury, who currently plays for the Beijing Ducks Basketball Club of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), wears a basketball vest made by sportswear company 361 Degrees International Ltd on the company’s advertising poster.
德怀恩 韦德& 李宁 Dwyane Wade & Li Ning
时间︰2012 年10 月10 日 October 10, 2012
费用: 每年1000 万美元和本部股份 $10 million annually and shareholdings
2012 年10 月10 日北京,NBA最知名和最受欢迎球员之一德维恩 韦德(L),在他与运动品牌公司李宁的长达10 年代言签约仪式上,展示他的球技。
Dwyane Wade (L), one of the most well-known and popular players in the NBA, shows off his basketball skills during his 10-year endorsement signing ceremony with sportswear company Li Ning Co in Beijing, October 10, 2012.
卡卡&金嗓子 Kaká & Golden Throat
时间︰2007 年8 月21 日 August 21, 2007
费用︰未知 Unknown
2013 年7 月2 日广西省柳州市,被大家称为卡卡的巴西职业足球运动员里卡多·伊泽克森·多斯·桑托斯·雷特,与由金嗓子控股集团有限公司赞助的广西金嗓子足球学校的学生们拍照。卡卡是2007 年的国际足联世界足球先生。
Brazilian professional soccer player Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, who is commonly known as Kaká and was the FIFA World Player of the Year 2007, takes a photo with students of Guangxi Golden Throat Soccer School, which is sponsored by lozenges manufacturer Golden Throat Holdings Group Co Ltd, in Liuzhou, south China's Guangxi province, July 2, 2013.
English Source: China Daily
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《[体育] 科比牵手王祖蓝 最强CP代言饿了么(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/524999.html,谢谢合作!