发布时间:2016-12-09 08:44 我来说说 我要投稿
北师大珠海分校一家面馆只接受手机支付而 " 谢绝现金 " 的事件被媒体报道后,人民银行珠海市中心支行迅速派人赴现场调查并督促涉事面馆整改,目前该面馆撤下了 " 谢绝现金 " 的告示并已经接受现金付款。人行珠海市中心支行相关人士表示," 谢绝现金 " 的做法属于拒收人民币情形,是一种违法行为。
A restaurant in Zhuhai which only accepted mobile payment has been asked to change. Why did the restaurant make such decisions? What’s wrong with that decision?
1.E-payment only restaurant
The noodle restaurant is located near the branch school of Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai, south China’s Guangdong Province. Since it opened in the beginning of this year, the restaurant only accept e-payment, and refused to accept cash and bank card payment.
There was no menu, cashier or cashier desk in the restaurant. If you want to dine here, you must have a smartphone. But customers can find introduction and price tag of different kinds of noodles on the wall, with a QR code. And there’s a notice besides the QR code saying “No cash in the restaurant”.
After you choose the food, you need to scan the QR code on your wechat. Then the ordering page of the restaurant will appear on the phone, just choose the food, and pay on your mobile phone.
2.Why is that?
More people use e-payment: Employees of the restaurant said the owner thought young people have got used to e-payment, especially in university. And over 90% of young university students have smartphone, and are willing to use mobile internet and e-payment, so the boss decided to open the “No cash” restaurant.
Safe money: Since all the money is collected through e-payment, no employees can get in touch with the money. Therefore, the boss doesn’t need to worry about whether the employees may steal the money or not.
Lower personnel cost: There’s no cashier in the restaurant, and no waiter serving the customers while ordering the dish. The employee of the restaurants only need to receive the order, make the dish, and take the dish to customers. This can save a lot of personnel cost.
Clean environment: Both paper money and coins are not clean. They carry a lot of bacteria. If you touch the money before eating, and forget to wash your hands, it will not be good to your health.
3.The Restaurant is asked to change
6 月 17 日媒体报道了该事件后,中国人民银行相关领导看到报道,并给予高度关注;人民银行珠海市中心支行迅速派员赴现场进行调查并督促涉事面馆整改。目前该面馆已撤下 " 谢绝现金 " 的温馨提示,并接受用餐者现金付款的方式。
After Guangzhou Daily reported the e-payment only restaurant on June 17, 2016, the Zhuhai branch bank of People’s Bank of China sent staff to investigate that and urged the involved restaurant to correct that. Now the restaurant has taken the “No cash” notice off, and started to accept cash payment.
银行相关人员表示“谢绝现金”就代表着拒收“人民币”,这就已经违反了《中国人民银行法》、《人民币管理条例》的相关规定 " 中华人民共和国的法定货币是人民币。以人民币支付中华人民共和国境内的一切公共的和私人的债务,任何单位和个人不得拒收 "
People working in the bank explained that refusing to accept cash also means they’re refusing the Renminbi, which was against the law. And refusing to accept cash also infringe consumers' right.
4.Good or not?
For—convenient: Many netizens said they cannot understand. They argued that as e-payment becomes more and more popular, many young people don’t take cash with them when they go out. For customers, it’s convenient to pay by mobile phone. They don’t need to receive small changes, and there’s a smaller possibility to make mistakes. It’s also very convenient for the restaurant, since it can save cost, and calculate the money easily.
For—restaurant has the right: Consumers have the right to choose the way to pay, but the restaurant also has its target customers and way of operation. It has the right to decide how to receive the payment. And the restaurant has informed the customers its decision since it opened, so why should it be regarded as infringing consumers’ rights?
For—E-payment also uses Renminbi: Netizens don’t agree that refusing cash equals to refusing RMB. E-payment also uses RMB, it’s not illegal. Sun Cheng, a lawyer in Guangdong said e-payment by using wechat or Alipay only means it’s using the third party to transferthe money. But it’s still paying by RMB, just in another way of collecting the money. For example, the money transfer between companiesdoesn’t involve cash, instead the two sides use the bank to transfer. And netizens argued that online shopping or payment in campus canteenmay also use e-payment only, which are not illegal, either. As long as the restaurant informs that in advance, and customers accept that, it’s not illegal.
Against—restaurant cannot limit consumer: While some netizens said a seller cannot restrict consumers’ way of payment. It’s consumers’ freedom and right, which cannot be restricted by sellers.
Against the law: According to China’s Regulation on the Administration of RenminbiArticle 3: 以人民币支付我国境内的一切公共的和私人的债务,任何单位和个人不得拒收。
最后,有人建议,既然商家提倡电子支付, 他们可以对主动使用电子支付的顾客提供一定的优惠和奖励。比如,使用电子支付可以获得一枚图章,而当图章数量达到一定数值是,可以兑换菜品。
Suggestions: Since the owner wants to promote e-payment, he could give some incentive to those who use it. For example, you can get a stamp if you use e-payment. And you can use the stamps to trade for some dishes after you collect a certain number of stamps.
Which side would you choose in this argument?
版权所有: CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播 CRI Round Table 圆桌议事
《[社会] 谢绝现金?只接受手机支付系违法(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/518090.html,谢谢合作!