发布时间:1970-01-01 08:00 我来说说 我要投稿
Struggling with that last minute exam prep? Paint your walls yellow and red.还在为迎战考试而作最后奋斗吗?把墙刷成黄色和红色吧。
Brightly coloured rooms can boost your concentration levels, scientists have discovered.科学家发现,色彩鲜艳的房间能提升你的注意力集中水平。
Students say they prefer to study in environments with pale colours which they feel are most relaxing, but researchers have found the opposite works better.学生们说他们更喜欢在浅色环境里学习,这让他们感到最为放松。但研究者发现,相反条件下的学习效果更好。
Levels of focus in students are higher when they are surrounded by vivid colours, a study from Curtin University, Australia found.澳大利亚科廷大学的一项研究发现,当学生处在色彩鲜艳的环境中时,注意力更集中。
Student participants were asked to read a passage and answer multiple-choice questions adopted from a university entrance test in rooms with six different colour schemes.参与研究的学生被安排在六种不同色彩的房间里阅读一段文章并回答多项选择题,题目选自大学入学考试。
The rooms were pale and vivid shades of blue, red and yellow.房间的颜色分别是浅淡的蓝、红、黄和鲜艳的蓝、红、黄。
Their reading comprehension scores were significantly higher in the vivid red and yellow rooms.在鲜艳的红色和黄色房间里,他们的阅读理解分数明显更高。
Lead author Aseel Al-Ayash said: 'Bright colours can support students' learning performance by positively affecting psychological and physiological states.该研究的第一作者阿西尔?阿娅施表示:“鲜亮的色彩能对人的心理和生理产生积极影响,从而有助于学生的学习表现。”
'If the reading tasks are difficult, the vivid colour conditions may increase arousal to optimal levels.'“如果阅读任务很困难,鲜艳的色彩可能将兴奋度提升到最佳水平。”
Several past studies have indicated the colours red and yellow are more stimulating than blue and green.过去的一些研究已经表明,比起蓝色和绿色,红色和黄色更具有刺激作用。
For example, student pulse rates increased in red and yellow conditions, but decreased in blue.比如,在红色和黄色环境下,学生的心跳速度会加快,但在蓝色环境下会降低。
This is consistent with the Yerkes-Dodson Law, which proposes that arousal improves performance up to an optimal level, with additional arousal causing a drop off in performance.这符合耶克斯-多德森定律——适度兴奋可以提升工作效率至最佳水平,过度兴奋则会导致效率降低。
Ironically, two-thirds of participants believed vivid red wasn't a suitable colour for a study room, associating the colour with depression, discomfort, annoyance and elements such as danger.而讽刺的是,三分之二的参与者认为,学习的房间不适合采用鲜艳的红色。他们将红色与沮丧、不适、恼怒和危险联系起来。
But given their improved learning outcomes, perhaps a bit of discomfort, aside from last minute cramming, is what they need.但考虑到学习效果的提高,或许除了最后关头的恶补,些许不适感正是他们所需要的。
It seems red and yellow may be the future of study areas, with Curtin and other Western Australia universities expressing a keenness for the work.鉴于科廷大学和其他西澳洲大学对此研究的热情,红色和黄色或许会成为未来学习室的主色调。