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10条建议 让你成为最好的自己(双语)

[摘要]爱语导读:身处都市的你我,难免会迷失会倦怠,但是你知道通向未来的钥匙只掌握在自己的手中,只有我们自己能决定自己的样子,也只有自己能够决定自己要成为谁。 The power of positivity has never been as important as it is in todays society. The curre...


  The power of positivity has never been as important as it is in todays society. The current state of control that the internet has introduced creates mixed feelings about what we should do, who we should be, and what we are supposed to achieve. Sometimes, you might feel like you are lost, that you are not on the path to becoming the version of yourself that you have envisioned. The following 10 quotes are for those moments, which are more common as the fall and its cold weather approaches, to help you stand up and realize that only you have the key to your future. We all have the power to decide the thoughts that govern our minds no one can steal this power from us.

  在 当今社会,积极的力量从未显得如此重要。现在的控制状态,对于我们应该做什么,我们应该成为什么样的人,以及我们应该获得什么样的成功,网络向我们传递了 非常多元的情感。有时候,你可能会感觉到迷失了,会发现自己偏离了成为理想中的自己的轨道。下面这10条语录适合在这样的时刻读一读,这些话比秋叶更常 见,而且现在冬天到了,读后可以帮你重振精神,让你意识到通向未来的钥匙只掌握在自己的手中。我们都拥有决定自己如何思考的力量,而且没人能抢走这种力 量。

  The following 10 quotes are meant to help you reset your mind if you have been struggling and help you to believe in yourself again. Try reading them multiple times a day when things aren’t working out as you envisioned. This will help you to believe in yourself again.


  1.Sometimes, it is necessary to hit bottom in order to realize the major changes that will trigger change and bring new life.


  2.Having confidence and believing in yourself is paramount for success to come. If you dont have the confidence to believe in yourself, fake it until you make it.


  3.Avoid following the crowd and be bold enough to believe that you can change the crowd.


  4.Create a set of values and follow them through your life. Be unique this is what truly makes you human.


  5.Success is no more than the result of consistency and lots of small work. Draw goals, be consistent and keep working towards them.


  6.Dont be afraid to fail. Take risks and get out of your comfort zone, this is the only way that you will achieve success by constantly putting yourself in situation that you are likely to fail in.


  7.Those who succeed are the ones that spot and act on opportunities as they are presented. Realize that preparation is key to utilize opportunities.


  8.Failure must be present in your life. Otherwise, you are not challenging yourself enough.


  9.Use your human capacities to help empower other people to become the best versions of themselves.


  10. You have to at least try. If you dont try, you can’t win.


  来源:The Huffington Post


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