发布时间:2016-02-16 09:01 我来说说 我要投稿
关注微信订阅号洛基英语:luoji917 (长按微信号复制关注)
Block distracting websites ahead of time.
Get distractions out of the way before you even get started by blocking time-wasting websites with extensions like Stay Focused or Cold Turkey. Even things you think won’t distract you can wind up being huge time-sucks when you’re desperate to procrastinate, Jenny Yip, Psy.D., author of Productive, Successful You!: End Procrastination by Making Anxiety Work for You Rather Than Against You, tells BuzzFeed Life.
Realistically think about how much time each task will take before you just add it to your planner.
Scheduling is key,think about how long this will actually realistically take you, then block out that time. Do this for all of your classes and assignments, logging it by hand or via app, including as many details as possible. Even if your plans change, having a set schedule keeps you accountable and will keep you from putting something off that’s going to take at least two full days to tackle.
Add relaxation and social time to that schedule.
Finals season has a nasty habit of making you feel guilty for stepping away from your responsibilities. Adding non-study time to your schedule will remind you that it’s a necessary part of doing well. Whether you carve out fifteen minutes, an hour or half the day, you need to get out, even if it’s just to take a walk and get some fresh air.
Set certain times to check your email, Facebook, Twitter, whatever.
Quitting social media cold turkey is an awesome way to up your productivity during finals. But since that’s way easier said than done, Yip suggests only catching up on your social channels at specific times each day. It’s a nice way to reward yourself for working without distraction and it’ll save you from falling down an Instagram rabbit hole.
Do not load up on more caffeine than usual.
You might feel like you need to double up on coffee during your marathon study sessions, but actually, you’re not helping yourself at all. “Your body naturally produces extra adrenaline during exam week,” says Yip. “Extra caffeine actually inhibits your learning process because you become too jittery and overly energetic, and it interferes with your ability to focus.”
So stick to your usual Starbucks order and trust adrenaline to carry you the rest of the way.
DO NOT pull all-nighters before exams.
No matter how necessary it seems, this strategy will most likely backfire. Sleep is so important for your mental wellbeing and your cognitive functioning. We know from research that when we are deprived of sleep, it interferes with our ability for logical reasoning and our memory.”
Don’t try to cram in the hour before an exam.
By that point, you’ve done all you can do and that last hour isn’t going to do you any favors Instead, prep for the test by relaxing and trying to get in the best state of mind possible. These tricks will help get you into the chill zone.
Decorate your study space with positive affirmations.
It may feel cheesy, but you’ll be surprised how much a few sticky notes of your favorite motivational quotes around your desk will help you down the line when you start feeling hopeless. And it’s an easy bit of ~productive~ procrastination to help you ease into the week.
Prep everything that you’ll need ahead of time.
Figure out ahead of time what you’ll need so you’ll have fewer excuses to procrastinate with this stuff later. Think: stocking up on snacks so you’re not constantly running out for food, already grabbing notes from those lectures you skipped, etc.
Assemble your support group, even if you like studying alone.
You don’t have to have a study group, exactly, but you don’t want to isolate yourself either. Having social groups that can help you get through it is vital. It helps you feel like you’re not alone in your stress. That’s one of the worst feelings you can have – that everyone else is doing well while you’re struggling.
So whether that’s getting a study group together, setting a catch-up lunch date with your friends, or just having someone to text and check in with, line it up.