发布时间:2015-12-08 10:10 我来说说 我要投稿
你听说过医生集团吗?2014年7月,由血管外科知名专家,张强医生创办的国内第一家跨专科医生集团(Dr.Smile Medical Group)在上海正式启动。随后几个月内,20余名优秀骨干专家纷纷从公立医院跳槽,陆续宣布选择自由执业,加盟张强医生集团。医生集团如何运作?与公立医院相比,医生集团有哪些独到之处呢?
In July 2014, the well-known vascular surgeon Dr. Zhang Qiang started the group with more than 20 physicians who quit the public hospital system. How do these groups operate? What are their advantages and concerns?
医生集团又被称为“医生执业团体”或者“医生执业组织”,由多个医生团队组成的联盟或者组织机构,英文名为“Medical Group”。 “医生集团”可能属于医院,也可以是独立的“医生组织”。
Medical Group is an innovative collaboration of health care professional who work together. It can be a independent practice association or subsidiary to the hospital.
2014年7月1日,张强医生创办的国内第一家跨专科医生集团(Dr.Smile Medical Group),正式在上海宣布启动。目前张强医生集团已经拥有7个专科团队,由来自上海、北京优秀外科专家组成。由医生集团为签约医生提供对口执业医院,以私立医院为主,开展医疗服务。
In July 2014, Dr. Zhang Qiang started the group with several physicians who quit the public hospital system. Later, the group signed partnerships with several private hospitals through which doctor-partners offer medical services. The group was formed last year and so far has seven hospital-partners in Beijing, Shanghai.
Physician group supporters see the trend as an icebreaker for the so far slow-moving reform movement,whose progress since it began in 2009 has been partly hindered by hospital administrators cool to the idea of letting doctors practice independently. A lack of independence, long hours and relatively low salaries for doctors practicing at public hospitals helped fuel the rise of these new physician groups.
Supporters say in addition to promoting reform and giving doctors more freedom to practice their craft, physician groups can offer patients better access to medical resources.
Some investors have expressed concerns about the sustainability of physician groups from a business point of view. Liu Yun, a partner at Guanghe Venture Capital, said that for now physician groups are indeed a good investment. But he warned that the business model hasn't been completely assessed, which means the long-term outlook is still unclear.
版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播
《[社会] 医生集团:医生也成自由职业者(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/286942.html,谢谢合作!