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[摘要]爱语导读:近日,《牛津词典》评选出了2015年年度热词,令人惊讶的是,它不是一个词,而是一个表情——一个“喜极而泣的笑脸”。与以往不同(2014年度热词“电子水烟”),牛津词典这一权威英语词典2015年收录的年度词汇不是字母词,而是一张图。 Oxford Dict...


  Oxford Dictionaries’ announcement of the Word of the Year - a face with tears of joy, seemingly weeping over its victory - left many astonished. Unlike past years (2014 was the year of "vape"), the hallowed authority on the English language chose a photogram as the Word of 2015, instead of an old-fashioned string-of-letters.


  "Our judges picked up this laughing and crying face due to the sharp increase in popularity of emoji around the world. It is not surprising, as 21st century culture, we become so visually-driven, emotionally-expressive and obsessively-immediate. Traditional alphabet s have a hard time keeping up and adapting to the rapid-fire demands," said Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford Dictionaries, in a video interview published on YouTube by Oxford Dictionaries.


  Emoji, a kind of pictograph but different from typographic emoticons, initially used by Japanese mobile operators, have been a staple of texting culture for years but it was over the past 12 months that we witnessed emoji culture explode into the global mainstream. Even Hillary Clinton asked for feedback on her official Twitter account using emoji. "The usage of emoji more than tripled in 2015 compared to 2014, Oxford data found" as reported in the Washington Post.

  表 情符号,一种象形文字,与印刷版的表情符不同,最初只是日本移动运营商使用。多年来短信一直是人们交流的主要方式,但在过去12个月,我们见证了表情符文 化的爆炸式发展,表情符成为了全球交际主流。甚至连希拉里·克林顿都在其官方Twitter账号要求用表情符回复。“牛津数据表示,2015年表情符的使 用量是2014年的三倍多”,据华盛顿报报导。

  Monie Xiao, a postgraduate majoring in Translation at Fudan University based in Shanghai said: "These symbols have already been necessities for me whenever I chat with my friends. I tend to end up my words with an emoji almost in every message, which has become a habit."


  Why have people become so obsessed with emoji?


  "Emoji embody a culture of playfulness and intimacy. Monie said. "By using emoji, it can somehow make the conversation more relaxing and funny. Also, when you start the first interaction with someone or small talk on the Internet, emoji is the best choice to fill an awkward and embarrassing pause."


  来源:China Daily



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