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女车主在驾驶室的位置,完全没注意到,在副驾驶的位置早有陌生人在悄悄靠近。 财物得手后,小偷居然如此大胆,大摇大摆地走了出去。你以为这种事只是偶然吗?继续向下看,有很多小偷喜欢在加油站下手! 合伙作案 他们得手就溜 注意图中穿橘色衣服的男子,后...[详细]

May I see your passport, please? 麻烦请给我你的护照。 Where are you staying? 将在那儿住宿? Here is my passport / Here it is. 这是我的护照。 I will stay at Boston Hotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店。 What's the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何?...[详细]

East东、 South南、 West西、 North北、 Left左、Right右 Straighton往前直去、 There那儿、 Front前方、Back后方、 Side侧旁、Before之前、 After之后、First left/right第 一个转左/右的路 学更多地道英语关注实战英语口语交流 微信订阅号:practiceEngl...[详细]

妈:你很久没打电话了,忙什么呢? 我:事情多啊,没时间哎。 爸:你妈想你了,她一个人在家,没事多打打电话。 我:知道了,最近忙呢,有时间再打。 爸:什么时候的车,回头来接你。 我:不用了,今天留在县城了,再同学家吃饭。 妈:我做了一桌子的菜呢,...[详细]

1、请你来是解决问题而不是制造问题; 2、为了团队新的目标不断学习新东西的人; 3、抗压能力强且有耐性的人; 4、你能解决多大的问题,你就坐多高的位子; 5、让解决问题的人高升,让制造问题的人让位,让抱怨问题的人下课; 6、与团队同心同德、同舟共济、...[详细]

1,What you made me do it 你干了什么? 2,You have to set an example你必须做一个榜样. 3,It's no need to be so cross 没有必要如此的生气。 4,Boots off before you come into my room在进我的房间之前,记得脱靴子哦 shoes off 脱鞋 5,I don't hav...[详细]

12月28日,天津至保定铁路正式开通运营,天津到保定的运行时间将由原来的2小时36分缩短至1小时左右。 A new railway route linking north China's Tianjin Municipality and Baoding City started running on Monday, shortening the commute time from abou...[详细]

听写真是太好太好的东西了!!!你千万不要以为不听,逃避听写就可以了,听不懂也要听下去,硬听才是听懂的最好准备。 今天在网上翻到的一篇旧文整理,文中的所有观点小编简直无法更认同!以往我们总是关注如何着重提升某一方面,比如通过大量阅读扩充词汇量...[详细]

You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail b...[详细]



Chinese civilization stretches back at least to the 3rd millennium BC. It is the source of many of the world’s great inventions, including paper, the compass, gunpowder, and printing, not to mention china (porcelain) itself. But maybe the...[详细]

冬天到了,渴望下雪有木有?在白雪纷飞,银装素裹的的世界里和小伙伴们打雪仗,堆雪人是好多人儿时最美好的回忆。你那儿下雪了么?一起来看看那些和“雪”相关的英语词汇: blizzard 大风雪 snowstorm 暴风雪 blowing snow 高吹雪 drifting snow 低吹雪/飘雪 s...[详细]

Tell Me About Yourself is the most popular way for hiring managers to start most one-on-one job interviews; get this part right and the rest of the interview will just naturally fall into place. 在一对一面试的是时候,面试官最常问的开场问题...[详细]

爱语导读:即使你身体健康,但在节日里任性吃喝合适吗?告诉你真相。 If you’re otherwise healthy, is it OK to over-indulge at the dinner table at this time of year? Here’s the truth. 即使你身体健康,但在节日里任性吃喝合适吗?告诉你真相。 “Co...[详细]

爱语导读:据icpress.cn报道,星期四在上海开业的一家主营日本拉面的餐厅,拉面主厨竟是机器人,实在是太逆天! In today’s trending, Shanghai ramen shop features two robot noodle chefs, a school’s controversial move to show children pig slaughte...[详细]

1.从零基础开始学日语,确立目标很重要。 从零基础开始学日语,首先要明确一个目标,无论做什么事情,树立一个明确的目标很重要,学日语是想考级,想去日本留学,还是单纯的处于对日剧动漫等方面的兴趣。从零开始学日语,比如,如果你从零开始学日语的目的是...[详细]

爱语导读:根据日本政府的数据,日本每年有超过10万名工薪族辞掉工作以专心照顾病弱的年老亲人。 More than 100,000 people a year in Japan leave their jobs to care for sick elderly relatives, according to the government, and most of them remain un...[详细]

爱语导读:根据新华社的报道,调查人员说已经确定滑坡由不安全状况造成。周五,国家调查组称将根据法律法规严惩事故责任人。 A mountain of construction debris that swallowed cars and buildings in China was a result of safety violations -- not a nat...[详细]

爱语导读:中国留美学生年龄出现越来越小的趋势。 Chinese students in the United States are getting an earlier start. 中国留美学生年龄出现越来越小的趋势。 In the 1970s, a typical Chinese student in the US was there for a master’s or doctoral...[详细]

爱语导读:近日,一名法国女记者妄加评论中国的民族政策,而且拒绝道歉,将要面临被驱逐的境地。 China confirmed the imminent expulsion of a French journalist in the first such case since 2012, accusing her of flagrantly championing terrorist act...[详细]

爱语导读:金斯顿,牙买加—牙买加环境部长表示,一个饱受争议的转运港被认为是加勒比海岸最大的保护区。 KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) -- Jamaica’s environment minister says a much-discussed transshipment port is being considered for the Caribbean isla...[详细]

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