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[摘要]爱语导读:根据日本政府的数据,日本每年有超过10万名工薪族辞掉工作以专心照顾病弱的年老亲人。 More than 100,000 people a year in Japan leave their jobs to care for sick elderly relatives, according to the government, and most of them remain un...


  More than 100,000 people a year in Japan leave their jobs to care for sick elderly relatives, according to the government, and most of them remain unemployed after their death.


  The tally is set to balloon as the nearly 7 million-strong baby-boomer generation reaches the age of 75 in the coming decade, potentially dragging their children from the workforce in their prime earning years. That’s something Japan can ill afford, as the working-age population shrinks due to the low birthrate and the government’s rejection of immigration.


  Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed in September to stem the flow, which he referred to as an "imminent crisis." In a speech, he set out targets for growing the economy to 600 trillion yen from the current 500 trillion yen, preventing the population from falling below 100 million from the current 127 million, and enabling as many people as possible to work, whatever their family responsibilities.

  日 本首相安倍晋三在今年九月表态,要及时遏止这一被他称为“迫在眉睫的危机”的不利形势。在发言中,他表示要确立目标,要将经济总量从现在的500万亿日元 提升到600万亿日元,同时还要防止人口从现在的1亿2700万减少到低于1个亿的这一情况的发生。最后,他还要求无论什么样的家庭原因。都要让尽可能多 的人去工作。

  As a first step, the government last month announced plans to provide an extra 120,000 people with beds in homes for the elderly or other forms of support by the early 2020s. Regulations will be eased to make it easier to open nursing homes in major cities and entitlements to leave and allowances will be revised


  The measures may boost Japan’s workforce by a modest 0.2 per cent a year. Still, some researchers say the government’s proposals don’t address the complexity of the issue.


  Japan has 16.4m people who are 75 or older. By 2025, the number is projected to swell to 21.8m.


  来源:Daily Mail











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