发布时间:2016-10-29 08:11 我来说说 我要投稿
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said drinking very hot liquids could cause cancer but added no conclusive evidence showed that coffee is probably carcinogenic. Based on limited data which have shown a positive links between oesophageal cancer and drinking very hot beverages, the World Health Organization agency rated very hot drinks as probably carcinogenic in its group 2A category.
"These results suggest that drinking very hot beverages is one probable cause of oesophageal cancer and that it is the temperature, rather than the drinks themselves, that appears to be responsible," said Christopher Wild. IARC's director.
国际癌症研究机构表示,他们曾在中国、伊朗、土耳其和南美进行研究, 这些国家普遍喜欢饮用高于七十摄氏度的茶或其他饮料 。结果显示“食道癌的风险可能会随饮料温度的上升而增加”。
The IARC said studies conducted in China, Iran, Turkey and South America which consumed very hot tea and mate, an infusion, at above 70 Celsius, showed that "the risk of oesophageal cancer may increase with the temperature of the drink."
English Source: China Daily Photo:Baidu
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《[健康] 戒热茶?世卫将热饮列入可致癌类别 (双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/494488.html,谢谢合作!