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[社会] 有一种爱情: 叫洪水中的婚礼(双语)

[摘要]如果没有红地毯、花束、舞台灯光、音乐或甚至最重要的戒指,可以结婚吗?在安徽省芜湖市无为县的抗洪前线上,一名武警和他的妻子举行了这样一场婚礼。 Can there be a wedding if there is no red carpet, bouquet, stage lighting, music or even the most...



  Can there be a wedding if there is no red carpet, bouquet, stage lighting, music or even the most important thing, the ring? Such a wedding for a police officer fighting against flooding and his bride was held Saturday on an embankment at Wuwei town in Wuhu city of East China's Anhui province.


  武警战士徐浩和幼儿教师肖若于早在去年年初就领了他们的结婚证书。但是因为徐浩的公务,他们的婚礼已经被推迟了三次。这一次,当得知7 月1 日的洪水可能会威胁到无为县十一万居民的生命安全,徐浩主动要求取消他的婚礼安排,加入到抗洪的大军之中。

  Xu Hao, an armed police officer, and Xiao Ruoyu got their marriage certificates as early as the beginning of last year. But their wedding was postponed three times as Xu was too busy with his police duties to be available for the wedding.This time, realizing the flood that occurred on July 1 might affect the safety of 110,000 people residing in Wuwei town, Xu volunteered to cancel his wedding plans and join the legion of public safety workers combating the flood.



  July 9nd, Xiao decided to pay a visit to her husband on the frontline as the couple haven't met for more than one month. Her appearance aroused surprises and cheers among Xu's fellow flood relief workers. They helped organize the long-awaited wedding for the couple during their short lunch break at noon. The two finally went through the ceremony marking their marriage, although with a substitute bouquet and a grass ring made out of crested dog's tail.

  English Source: CRI English

  版权所有:CRI NEWS Plus英语环球广播


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