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[摘要]今天,留学监理网的老师要给大家详细解析一下6月25日的托福独立口语考试。最近要参加托福考试的同学更要好好学习哦! 下面请大家看一下我们老师的解析: Task 1 Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior a...



  Task 1

  Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you. Explain why you were annoyed.

  听到题目之后很多同学直接笑了。这道题实在是太简单了,不文明、不礼貌的行为我们天天都可以见到!所以有些同学下意识地就说了好几种不文明行为。这里,我们要特别注意审题--题目中说的是an impolite behavior,所以大家只需要挑选一个事例进行描述就好了。

  Sample Response

  Speakig of an impolite behavior that annoyed me, I really want to talk about my etxperience in a cafe. I like that tranquil cafe very much and I usually read books there. One day, I went there as usual and I saw a man smoking at the table next to me. According to the new law, smoking in public area is banned. His law-breaking behavior made me annoyed. Further more, I was angry because smoking is bad for the health and is one major cause of cancer. What’s more, passive smoking is even more dangerous. I couldn’t bear what he was doing and finally I asked the waitress to tell him not to smoke.

  Task 2

  If someone donates a piece of land to your community, should it be used to construct an amusement center or grow plant and flowers?


  Sample Response

  If someone donates a piece of land to my community, I will definitely recommend to use it to grow plants and flowers. First of all, flowers and plants will make the community a more beautiful and charming place to live. The garden provides a harmonious environment between human and nature where you can breathe the fragrance of flowers and kids can enrich knowledge by studying the nature. Secondly, the garden also gives the neighbours a chance to know, meet and communicate with each other. When knowing more about others, the conflicts in the community will be reduced greatly and people can enjoy a more peaceful life with their lovely and supportive neighbours. So it is wonderful to have a piece of land with plants and flowers.













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