发布时间:2016-07-18 14:38 我来说说 我要投稿
Something quite special dwells beneath the surface of New Zealand and these images prove that the country is just as beautiful below ground as it is above! The Waitomo area is famous for its limestone caves and within these caves are one of the most magical insects in the world, the glowworm. Glow worms emit phosphorescent glow that lights up the cave and creates a surreal environment.
拍摄者Shaun Jeffers说“在过去的一年中,我多次去怀托摩的鲁阿库利洞拍摄这些神奇的小生物,真是奇妙的体验!当头灯熄灭的时候,映入眼帘的是一片萤火虫。你会情不自禁的觉得自己置身于詹姆斯·卡梅隆导演的《阿凡达》中的潘多拉星球上一样。一切都太不真实了。拍摄萤火虫的过程和拍摄星空很相似,只是曝光的时间会更长。这些画面的曝光时间从30秒到6分钟不等。为了拍摄这些镜头,我每天需要带着三脚架浸泡在冷水中6到8个小时。不过,这些努力很值得!”
‘Over the past year, I have been back and forth to Waitomo's Ruakuri Cave to master the art of photographing these magnificent little creatures – it's been quite the experience! When the headlamps are out and all you can see are the glowworms. You can't help but feel like you've stepped into James Cameron's Avatar Pandora. It's just unreal! Photographing glow worms is very similar to shooting the night sky. However, the exposure time can be much longer. These images in particular range between 30 seconds and 6 minutes exposures. To achieve the shots, it required me to submerge myself and my tripod in cold water for up to 6-8 hours a day –-it was totally worth it!' said Shaun Jeffers.
English Source: Boredpanda
版权所有:CRI NEWS Plus英语环球广播
《[旅游] 新西兰美若星空的萤火虫洞 (双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/433344.html,谢谢合作!