发布时间:2016-06-15 08:38 我来说说 我要投稿
自从1959年,世界上出现了第一只芭比,至今芭比已经更换了无数种造型。但你知道么 ,在换装的同时,芭比的脸也在一直随着时代的潮流在改变。一位网友细心的将芭比从1959年到2015年变化的脸型全部收集起来,“我一直很好奇56年以来芭比的脸是怎么变化的。收集了这么多,我最喜欢的就是1987年—1995年这段时间的芭比,看上去是最可爱的,但也许只是因为我小时候玩的芭比的就是那样的,所以才感觉那时候的最好吧。”
Since the release of the iconic Barbie doll in 1959, however, it has changed quite a bit, changing along with the ideals that society set for women. Tumblr user Tenaflyviper collected headshots of barbies from every year since 1959 and combined them in collages so we can watch them evolve. “I was curious as to exactly how Barbie's face has changed across the 56-year span she's been around,” writes Tenaflyviper. “Personally, I think the molds they used from 1987-1995 are the cutest, but I was still a little girl playing with Barbies at that time, so I may be a bit biased.”
What year did you get your Barbie doll? Which one is your favorite?
English Source: Boredpanda
版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播
《[文化] 从芭比56年变脸看审美变迁 (双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/413349.html,谢谢合作!