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阿里巴巴收购南华早报 被赋政治色彩(双语)

[摘要]爱语导读:阿里巴巴证实,中国政府在这宗收购中并未扮演任何角色,同时,阿里巴巴集团执行副总裁蔡崇信说,我们将持续“根据原则”运营。我们会让“编辑按照自己的判断来决定哪些该发布,哪些不该”。 Alibaba’s march in the media industry is growing amb...


  Alibaba’s march in the media industry is growing ambitious. On Friday, the Chinese Internet giant announced it is to acquire the media assets of the SCMP Group, including one of the most influential English language newspapers based in Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post (SCMP). The SCMP is a daily newspaper that shares typical Western values and perspectives in media coverage.


  The acquisition raised a debate about whether Alibaba, a Chinese mainland enterprise, will jeopardize the independence and objectivity of the newspaper. Alibaba confirmed that the Chinese government had no role in the deal, and Joseph Tsai, Alibaba’s executive vice chairman, said the newspaper will continue to run "on principles," and "editors make their judgment on what to publish and not to publish."

  这 场收购引发了一场关于中国内地企业阿里巴巴,是否将会破坏南华早报的独立性和客观性的争论。阿里巴巴证实,中国政府在这宗收购中并未扮演任何角色,同时, 阿里巴巴集团执行副总裁蔡崇信说,我们将持续“根据原则”运营。我们会让“编辑按照自己的判断来决定哪些该发布,哪些不该”。

  However, Alibaba also admitted that the acquisition serves an important purpose of improving China’s image, considering the fact that China is always observed by Western media through a biased lens. Some of their negative, exaggerated and even groundless reports about China have bred misconceptions, which have impacted Alibaba’s interests.


  From a business perspective, Alibaba’s acquisition of the SCMP is no different from Amazon taking over the Washington Post. Through cooperation, Internet companies desire sustainable prosperity by using traditional media’s established leverage and channels, while traditional media hope they could survive in its winter and reverse the downfall in a digital era.


  Alibaba’s advance in the media industry is part of the trend, and it could be anticipated that more Chinese companies will step into this market.


  In the past decades, China has been requested by the Western hemisphere to be more open-minded and engaged in global competition. Now, confronted with more dynamic Chinese companies embracing the world in various dimensions, the West should focus on business-oriented competition, instead of conjuring up politically-driven schemes. Concerns with ulterior motives are disrespectful to the efforts of Chinese companies.


  As Alibaba said, misunderstandings about China are rife in Western discourse. They can hardly be eliminated overnight. The blossoming of Chinese companies is related to China’s multifaceted mode of development, which needs to be illustrated fairly to the outside. In this process, the media helps a lot.


  It is perhaps more productive if the West could look at Alibaba’s acquisition and future operation of the SCMP from a constructive angle. Alibaba will not only reinvigorate the newspaper without putting its reputation and survival in peril as it pledged, but also tailor it to be a window to more balanced and complicated portraits of what is happening in China. The rest of the world can benefit from a true understanding of China.

  这次收购可能更 富有成效,如果西方能够从建设性的角度看待阿里巴巴的收购,以及未来南方早报的运营。阿里巴巴不仅能够重振南方早报,如阿里巴巴所许诺的那样挽救它的声誉 和生存,更能把它量身打造成一个有关中国新闻的更中立,描述更细致全面的平台,从而加深世界对中国的真正理解。 (声明:本文为爱语吧原创翻译,转载请注明来源,否则追究法律责任) 来源:环球时报


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