发布时间:2017-03-03 10:00 我来说说 我要投稿
父母影响A) Parental Influence
Research indicates that how much your father likes studying has a direct effect on how much you like studying as well. According to statistics, 50% of the 1980s generation earnings are in the high-income category if their fathers have obtained a university undergraduate degree. The numbers rise to 80% if their fathers have obtained a master's degree or above and fall to about 12% if their fathers have only secondary school education.
Studies also show that the mothers'level of education is a particular key indicator in determining their children's intellect. The fathers' profession is also a significant factor in observing the 1980s generation's income level. Research shows that if the father is a business enterprise owner (CEO) or a specialist in certain areas, over 50% of their children's earnings fall under the high income category.
社会地位B) Where they stand
Most of the 1980s generation has a pretty good feeling of themselves in particular to how they stand in society. Research shows that over 40% have retained the same job while about 30% of them have switched jobs once or twice.
C) Income Gap between the Single and Married
According to the study, if you are single and earn 300 thousand RMB per year, then you are classified in the top 1% of earners but if you married, then it would take 650 thousand RMB for you to make the top 1%.
婚姻问题D) Marriage Status
Close to 70% of couples start cohabiting after dating between half a year and a year while the other 30% start cohabiting within 6 months of dating. In terms of happiness after marriage, research shows that the longer couples have cohabited, the happier they are.
Social status still plays a major role in romantic relationships. 92.6% of couples come with equivalent education standards.
In terms of age gap, research shows that if a man has a wife 3-4 years older, he has the highest level of after marriage happiness while on the other hand if a man has a wife 7 years younger, his level of happiness hits the lowest point.
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《[社会] 80后生活报告 女大三抱金砖?(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/xiaoyuan/563974.html,谢谢合作!