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2016年6月大学英语四级考试刚刚结束,本次考试继续沿用“多题多卷”形式,小编考后第一时间给大家整理了仔细阅读第一篇答案的参考答案,供大家参考。 参考答案: 46. B. It weakens in one’s later years. 47. D. Some of them begin to decline when peopl...[详细]



微信搜索:新东方在线 写作 题目: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but...[详细]

2016年6月大学英语四级考试已经结束,文都教育考后及时为大家收集试题并提供真题答案和解析,供参考。下面是四级考试选词填空:“关于体育锻炼”的试题及答案。 【真题原文】 Physical activity does the body good, and there’s growing evidence that it...[详细]

微信搜:新东方在线 News report 1 The international labor organization says the number of people without jobs is increasing. In its latest update on global employment trends, the agency says projections of the number on unemployed people th...[详细]




Section B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. Yo...[详细]

An unprecedented insight into the private life of Audrey Hepburn has been revealed thanks to the sale of intimate letters written by the screen siren. 近日奥黛丽?赫本所写的数封私人信件将被拍卖,给我们前所未有的机会来一窥这位银幕女神的私人...[详细]

1. More than 1.5 billion fathers will be celebrated on Sunday for Father's Day. 周日将有超过15亿位父亲庆祝父亲节。 2. Father's Day was actually invented... by a woman! Sonora Smart Dodd proposed the idea in Washington in 1910. Her mother d...[详细]


微信搜索:新东方在线 听力部分答案 1. C) Rising unemployment worldwide. 2. C) Few countries have realized the seriousness of the current crisis. 3. B) Put calorie information on the menu. 4. A) They will be fined. 5. D) Failure to inte...[详细]



中国北斗卫星导航系统 China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China 2016年6月 June 2016 目录 Contents 前言 Preface 一、发展目标与原则 I. Go...[详细]


GMAT语法是GMAT考试中的最重要的题型,“得GMAT语法者得天下”。然而GMAT的语法是非常有规律可循的,一些语法原则在其它考试可能并不正确,但在GMAT当众如同定律一样,能够快速帮助你排除错误选项。 我们先来看两道GMAT语法题的解析: 题1:Part of the prop...[详细]

本周一,《南方都市报》发布了一份报告,指出部分大学生用裸照作为抵押从某些平台借款。 The loans were accompanied by weekly interest rates as high as 30 percent and extra commission fees charged by the platforms. If the borrowers missed any re...[详细]

上海迪士尼试运营期结束了,随之而来的是上海迪士尼的正式开园。据悉,迪士尼连办三天庆典活动,之后的6月16日,这片童话般的乐土将以全貌展现在大家面前!盼星星盼月亮,终于盼到迪士尼开园啦! 早在一年前就有国外记者来探过路,当时那里还是一片荒土…… Th...[详细]

2016年6月的四六级考试近在眼前了,不知道小伙伴们准备的怎么样了。在这里小编给小伙伴们支几招,帮助小伙伴们在最后的这段时间解锁新技能,开挂迎战四六级。 听力 小伙伴们在复习听力的时候,注意要精听而不是泛听。泛听意味着不管我们听没听懂内容,都是一...[详细]

“英语环球广播”的官微上发布了一份榜单——“最受欢迎的十大中国菜”: Here is the complete list of the 10 most popular Chinese dishes: 1. Fish with Sichuan pickles酸菜鱼 2. Stir-fried vegetables清炒时蔬 3. Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁 4. Shred...[详细]

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