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[摘要]那些来自于中国的词汇通常都被称之为“外来词汇”。这种词不是逐个字翻译过来的,而是基于使用这种语言的。简单的来说就是,这个词汇是从别处借过来的,然后用到一种新的语言之中。 1. Gung Ho 长庚何 Pronounced gōng h in Mandarin. The literal translat...


  1. Gung Ho 长庚何

  Pronounced gōng hé in Mandarin. The literal translation is,”work together.” The English use was popularized by Marines fighting in the Pacific in World War II. The phrase came to mean: “whole heartedly enthusiastic, and loyal, eager, and zealous.”

  在普通话里的发音为gōng hé,意思是“合作、同心协力”。在英语中广泛被使用是二战时期海军陆战队在太平洋作战时期。这个短语的意思上司:“竭诚热情,忠诚、愿望、热心。”

  2. Typhoon 台风

  Pronounced dàfēng in Mandarin and tai fung in Cantonese. The literal translation is “strong wind.” Experts say the term, typhon from the Greek and Arabic, was strengthened with the Chinese translation.

  在普通话中的发音为:dàfēng,广东话的发音为:tai fung。直译过来就是:“强风”。有专家表示这个词汇源自于希腊语和阿拉伯语,中文里才发生了读音上的改变。

  3. China 中国

  In Chinese, the name is pronounced zhōng guó and literally means “the middle country.” The name was first used by the Italian explorer, Marco Polo.

  在中文里的读音为:zhōng guó,字面意思是“中间的国家。”最初使用这个词汇的人是意大利探险家马可波罗。

  4. Silk 丝绸

  Pronounced si in Mandarin. The word was first introduced to Western culture by smugglers who took silk worms and mulberry leaves out of China in 552 Common Era (CE)。


  5. Feng Shui 风水

  Literally wind and water. It is the Chinese belief in creating a spiritual balance in one’s home and workplace. The word was first introduced to Westerners in 1757.


  6.Kowtow 磕头

  Literally means “knock head.” Pronounced e k’o-t’ou in Chinese. In China the word is a way of bowing and touching the forehead to the ground to indicate respect. In English the word means to “be servile: to behave in an extremely submissive way in order to please somebody in a position of authority.”

  字面意思就是“扣头”,在中文中的发音为:e k’o-t’ou ,意思是:鞠躬,前额碰到地上以示尊重。在英语中的意思是“奴化:为了取悦别人,表现得非常顺从。”

  7.Junk 垃圾

  The literal translation in Chinese is “boat.” In 1884 the term came to mean “old refuse from boats and ships,” and eventually came to mean trash in Western culture.


  8. Lose Face 丢面子

  The literal translation is “humiliation” and is pronounced tu lien in Chinese. The word is said to have been introduced to English speakers in 1876.

  字面的意思是“丢脸、耻辱”,发音为tu lien。据说这个词汇是在1876引进西方的。

  9. Shanghai 上海

  Shanghai is a Chinese seaport. The word in English came to mean, “to drug a man unconscious and ship him as a sailor.” This was the practice of ‘recruiting’ sailors to the seaport of Shanghai.


  10. Tai Chi 太极

  In Chinese, the word is literally translated to the “supreme ultimate.” It is now used in American lingo to describe the martial art of tai chi. Some emphasize the slow movements as a form of exercise, while others practice it as a martial art.


  11. Oolong 乌龙茶

  Literally “black dragon.” First introduced to the English language in 1852 as a dark, black tea.


  更多英语学习资料 请关注: 环球雅思 微信 : gdielts 咨询热线:4006098781

  更多英语学习资料 请关注: 环球雅思 微信 : gdielts 咨询热线:4006098781










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