发布时间:2017-01-01 08:50 我来说说 我要投稿
Message on the International Day of Friendship
30 July 2016
Poverty, violence, human rights abuses and other major problems on the global agenda have in common a failure to respect fundamental norms and values developed over millennia. When greed supersedes concerns about the health of our planet or its inhabitants, when fanatic attachment to ideology is pursued at all costs, and when people suffer human rights violations because they are considered somehow less than equal, the heritage of humanity is betrayed and our future wellbeing is placed in peril.
贫穷、暴力、践踏人权,这些问题以及全球面对的其他重大问题,都有一个共同之处,那就是不尊重千年形成的基本准则和价值观。 当贪婪压制了我们对地球或对地球居民健康的关心,当人们不惜一切代价狂热追逐意识形态,当人民被视为低人一等,人权因此而遭践踏,人类的遗产便遭到背弃,我们未来的福祉被置于险境。
In confronting these crises, we must address their roots by promoting and defending a shared spirit of human solidarity. On a global level, this can manifest in many ways, from international assistance to political advocacy. And on an individual level, it can take the simple and timeless form of friendship.
面对这些危机,我们大家都必须促进和捍卫人类大团结精神,以铲除危机根源。 在全球层面,这一团结精神可以体现在国际援助、政治宣传等多个方面。在个人层面,这一团结精神可以反映于友谊这样一个简单而永恒的关系。
Friendship is a joy in itself, conferring happiness and a sense of wellbeing. And the accumulation of bonds of camaraderie around the world can contribute to fundamental shifts that are urgently needed to achieve lasting stability.
友谊本身便是一种快乐,带来幸福、美好之感。 在世界各地建立纽带,凝聚友谊,可以促成实现持久稳定所亟需的根本性变化。
The forces of division that actively try to undermine peace, security and social harmony are no match for the simple but powerful act of extending a hand in our own personal circles and especially beyond. Ties of trust can weave a safety net that will protect us all. As understanding and awareness grow, we can build compassion and generate passion for a better world where all are united for the greater good.
分裂势力竭力破坏和平、 安全及社会和谐,但只要我们做出一个简单而有力的动作,在我们个人的人际圈内,尤其是向圈外伸出友谊之手,分裂势力便不是我们的对手。信任的纽带可以编织成为一个安全网,保护我们大家。随着理解和认识的加深,我们可以萌生同情,激发热情,为一个更加美好的世界而努力,所有人都将团结一心,推动进步。
On this International Day of Friendship, let us resolve to cherish and cultivate as many warm relationships as possible, enriching our own lives and enhancing the future.