发布时间:2016-10-15 08:40 我来说说 我要投稿
见工面试的答案总是千篇一律 :''我是一个工作勤奋的人''、''我很高兴可以有新的机会去学习'',相信你也压倦这些一早准备好并可预测的答案吧? 其实很多机构招聘时怪招迭出,所以准备好被问到奇怪的问题吧! 求职招聘社区网站的年度报告总结了2016年十大最难答面试题目,如下:
Tired of canned and predictable answers like“I am a hard worker” and “I am thrilled by the new opportunity to learn”at job interviews? You should consider asking oddball questions. Glassdoor's annual report of the top 10 toughest interview questions for 2016 uncovered the following:
1. 你最想拥有哪种魔法力量? Topshop销售助理的求职者。
“Which magic power would you like to have?” – Topshop sales assistant job candidate.
2. 如果你是一个水果,你想成为哪个品种,为什么?Topdeck旅行领队的求职者。
“If you were a fruit, what kind would you be and why? – Topdeck Travel trip leader job candidate.
3. 如果你可以跟三位已经离世的演员共享晚餐,你会怎样选? 黑莓商务总监的求职者。
“If you could have dinner with three actors that are no longer living, who would you pick?” – Blackberry commercial director job candidate.
4. 要用多少个小时才可以把伦敦每一个窗口都打扫干净?国际商业机器公司信息技术岗位的求职者。
“How many hours would it take to clean every single window in London?” – IBM IT role job candidate.
5. 怎样才可以把一头大象放进冰箱? 金雅拓公司的软件工程师求职者。
“How do you get an elephant in a fridge?” – Gemalto software engineer job candidate.
6. 如果现在是三点十五分,那时钟上的角度是什么? 标准银行集团产品控制求职者。
“If the time is quarter past three, what is the angle measurement on the clock?” – Standard Bank Group product control job candidate.
7. 如果你有三分钟时间跟执行总裁独处在电梯,你会跟他说什么? 铁路基础设施公司管理会计师的求职者。
“If you had three minutes alone in a lift with the CEO, what would you say?” – Network Rail management accountant job candidate.
8. 有多少人在2013年出生被名为加里? 英国电信高级经理的求职者。
“How many people born in 2013 were named Gary?” – BT senior proposition manager job candidate
9. 你会因为什么而声名远播? 安永总监的求职者。
“What will you be famous for?” – EY director job candidate.
10. 英国一年平均售出多少块尿布? 英杰华集团研究生课程申请者。
“How many nappies are purchased per year in the UK?” – AVIVA graduate programme job candidate.
English Source: HumanResources
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《[职场] 做好准备!2016十大最难答的面试题目(双语)》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/486102.html,谢谢合作!