发布时间:2016-10-08 08:24 我来说说 我要投稿
Women who take an aspirin before sex may increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby boy, suggest researchers. 美国的研究人员发现,女性若在性生活前服用阿司匹林,怀上男孩的可能性会增加。
In a recent study, women with a history of miscarriages were more likely to give birth to a male child after taking aspirin around the time of conception compared with women given a placebo. 最新研究发现,有过流产经历的女性在受孕期间服用阿司匹林后,相比于服用安慰剂作为对照的女性,她们怀上男孩的概率大大增加。
In fact, aspirin increased the likelihood of having a boy by nearly a third, reports the Journal of Clinical Investigation. 据《临床研究杂志》报道,实际上服用阿司匹林后受孕生男孩的概率会增加近三分之一。
Previous research showed that recurrent miscarriage is linked to increased inflammation in the womb. 早前有研究显示,习惯性流产与子宫炎症有关。
The theory is that the immune system sees the developing embryo as a foreign body, attacking it with inflammatory compounds and immune cells. 理论表明,免疫系统会将发育中的胚胎视为异己物质,并联合炎性化合物和免疫细胞对其进行攻击。
This inflammation may further reduce the likelihood of the woman having a boy because male foetuses are thought to be more vulnerable. 这类炎症可能会导致男性胎儿的减少,因为男性胎儿更容易遭受损害。
In Britain, there are slightly more female births than males. 在英国,女孩的出生率要略微高于男孩。
External harmful factors, such as stress, pollution or smoking around conception have been associated with a reduction in the number of males, and suggest male embryos are more vulnerable for some reason. 来自外界的有害因素,例如受孕期间的生活压力、环境污染及烟尘吸入,都会降低男孩的出生率。这也证明了男性胚胎更容易受到伤害。
Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory used to treat pain, fever and inflammation. Several small trials have shown that it increases the pregnancy rate among women undergoing IVF. 阿司匹林是一种非甾体抗炎药,具有镇痛、解热和消炎的作用。早前的一些小实验表明,非甾体抗炎药可以增加女性体外受精的怀孕机率。
In the latest study, researchers at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in the US gave 1,228 women who had a history of miscarriages a low-dose aspirin to take before sex or a placebo pill (folic acid) for as long as they were attempting to get pregnant. 最近,来自美国尤尼斯肯尼迪施莱佛国立儿童健康与人类发展协会的研究者们对1228名有过流产经历的女性进行了实验,在她们想要怀孕期间,性生活前分别服用少量的阿司匹林和安慰剂(叶酸)。
Thirty-one percent on aspirin had a boy, compared to 23 percent on the placebo. And those on aspirin who had boys had reduced inflammation, suggesting the drug had an effect. 服用阿司匹林的实验组里有31%的女性生下男孩,对照组仅有23%。同时,服用阿司匹林的实验组中生男孩的女性患炎症的比例下降,说明药物还是起到了一定的作用。
Aspirin before conception seems to ensure the chance of a male embryo being rejected is reduced, says Professor Simon Fishel, president of CARE Fertility clinics. 卡利生育诊所的总裁西蒙?费舍尔教授认为,受孕前服用阿司匹林确实能够降低男性胚胎与母体发生排斥反应的概率。
‘It is a very interesting conclusion and more studies are needed to confirm if it is a potential solution to the apparent excess of female babies for women with evidence of inflammation.“这一结论十分有趣,不过它对于患有炎症的女性来说是否真的能够解决男孩出生率低的问题,还需要大量实验的进一步证实。
‘Importantly, it relates only to women who have had miscarriages and evidence of inflammation. It does not have any bearing on sex ratios in normal conceptions where aspirin will not increase the chances of having a boy.’ “还有一点也很关键,那就是这一结论只与流产过和有炎症症状的女性相关,对于正常受孕的女性来说,服用阿司匹林对男孩的出生率将不会产生任何影响。”